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    Easter Brunch ahead of a day of biking through tulip fields! 😍🌷 @ Cocotte – crêperie et patisserie française https://t.co/T6cr3r6Rz6

    Thank you #tulipbicycletour for an unforgettable Easter touring beautiful Lisse and the surrounding flower fields! The intensity of the colour and the fragrance is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Feeling very fortunate to be here… 🌷💐🚴‍♀️😍 https://t.co/tV8U142GI4

    @alex_casalboni How pretty!! ❤️

    The theme of the weekend has been “tulips and beer.” Tonight we had a bit of a pub crawl that involved drinking under a windmill… 🍻 https://t.co/NH1bdLlG6y

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    Breakfast is served on the NJ420! That means it’s time for my favorite part of the journey – sharing food photos with @_DiningCar. 😂🚅 https://t.co/diRoSRfFKF

    RT @GohmertS: Martha Stewart avoided a loss of $45,673 by inside trading. She spend 5 months in prison and 5 months home confinement and a…

    I’ve had worse mornings. #amsterdam @ W Amsterdam https://t.co/GDhjMSUSwW

    @ringods @_DiningCar I had headphones blasting white noise, which helped! I’ve had worse sleep on transport before. It wasn’t too bad.

    @vonneudeck Oh wow! It was definitely fun, and nicer than I expected. Our compartment technically could’ve had a third bed, which would’ve been pretty cramped.

    Amsterdam in the Spring! Canals and churches and cheese and tulips… ⛪️🧀🌷 https://t.co/13qSDTu3V5

    RT @DrVirgo1981: This is one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. https://t.co/Luk0EhAlWy

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    If you aren’t watching @j__st live tweet the creation of a pair of trousers in real-time, you are missing out. 😍👖 https://t.co/4UB5G1obsZ

    @petehanssens AFAIK. I have access without Pro but that’s because I signed up for it years ago and got grandfathered in.

    @petehanssens @DataEngMeetup Hmmm. Meetup used to have a couple calendar links for groups you’re in. Maybe if you created a new fake user that only joined those groups, you could get that ICS and parse it somehow.

    @petehanssens @_neozenith @DataEngMeetup Ugh, remember Yahoo Pipes? I miss the old internet.

    We are on the 420 Night Jet to Amsterdam. (Seriously.) First time ever in a proper sleeper car!! #öbb 🚅🛏 https://t.co/apdVYpAGs2

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    RT @RebeccaPapin: Pilot (to my 5-year-old daughter a few days ago): Do you know you could be a flight attendant when you grow up?

    5: I cou…

    @darthted That does not happen in Deutschland. Here “spicy” = ketchup.

    @j__st I have been known to use cans of cat food in the past. (Now there’s a crazy middle-aged lady stereotype for you…) 😹

    Thanks @wholemilk for a lovely dinner! It’s such a treat to catch up with someone in person. Glad you had such a nice time in Deutschland. ❤️ (And thank you @unixbigot for connecting us!) https://t.co/qwwMCDvwc0

    @gilmae What thing. Not The Thing?

    @gilmae I just meant that I hope you don’t mean the thing that I think you mean, because no, you didn’t.

    @kneekey23 Congrats, and welcome Henry! ❤️

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    @SoniaCuff That just made me super homesick. ❤️

    @sliedigaws Thank you! And hilariously I just spotted you on a screenshot my old teammate Igor shared of his dog climbing on him during a Chime call. 😂

    Frühlingsfest kommt bald! (I’m actually very excited. I have no idea why I’m making that face.) 🎡🍻🌷 @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/hL6zosHaSt

    @ciaraquill @Stedelijk It’s beautiful! I will be visiting Amsterdam for Easter so will look back through your tweets for more ideas…

    RT @jennapederson: Excellent read if you’re running (or thinking about running) containers on AWS ➡️➡️➡️ https://t.co/sNWBoTlHj2

    RT @JillKrajewski: doctor: ma’am i’m afraid we can’t save your husband. the groove spread from his blood stream. groove is in the heart.


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    Frühlingsfest kommt bald! (I’m actually very excited. I have no idea why I’m making that face.) 🎡🍻🌷

    Frühlingsfest kommt bald! (I’m actually very excited. I have no idea why I’m making that face.) 🎡🍻🌷

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    @lemon_lime @awscloud Already hiring for Thailand and India!

    @thebeebs @sebsto And did you notice everybody’s shoes??

    @maryamumar Ooh, to move or to visit??

    @maryamumar Oh wow, I miss watching cricket! Will definitely have to get back to the SCG next summer… ❤️

    Korean Corn Grilled Cheese, made by the Snook with his own homemade bread. 😍 @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/WuYn0RjDOC

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    Korean Corn Grilled Cheese, made by the Snook with his own homemade bread. 😍

    Korean Corn Grilled Cheese, made by the Snook with his own homemade bread. 😍

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    RT @Zeddary: PARAG: okay all the paperwork’s done, the lawyers have combed through it, everything looks good so we’ll just get started on t…

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: We still have a ticket to giveaway to someone who’d like to attend DevOpsDays in Birmingham but isn’t able to wear the…

    What does pizza 🍕 have to do with innovation? If you come to my session at the AWS Summit in Berlin on May 11-12, you’ll hear all about it! Register for free here: https://t.co/poSnqpy15V https://t.co/ZY1Cd5mGsP

    TIL that my preferred Prime Minister in the upcoming Australian election saw Nirvana play Big Day Out in ‘92. 😲 Also, that playlist rules and I am assembling it on Spotify as we speak…


    Feeling thankful to start the week:
    – negative Covid test
    – looks like we’ll have good weather to visit tulip fields 🌷 in Amsterdam this weekend
    – my new role has been announced – Head of DevRel APJ for @awscloud – and we’ll be moving back to Sydney at the end of the year! ❤️😲

    @iAnuragKale @lynnlangit @awscloud Yep, basically APAC minus China 🙂

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    I was surprised to learn that if you leave Australia indefinitely, you lose the right to vote in elections! I had no idea. As luck would have it, plans are firming up for our return next year. Time to update the Overseas Enrollment… 🇦🇺

    @fixatedperson I think so, but I’m already filing in three different countries (including Oz) for 2022. 😩

    @richdevelops I guess so. I still get to vote in US elections though based on my last address there, even though it was 20+ years ago. That’s why I was surprised! And yep, will be Sydney. 🙂

    @Amys_Kapers Thank you! Exciting news is afoot… will have more to report soon. 😉

    @sarah_federman Thanks! Was always a possibility, but work stuff and family stuff have made it pretty inevitable.

    @wholemilk Not where I am!! 😲

    @wholemilk Haha, no worries. Glad you had a good time at the Residenz!

    @Amys_Kapers 😂 Don’t start rumours!!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!