Great Belgian Beer Tasting #11 – Wolf Carte Blanche from Brouwerij Wolf. It’s 8.5% but tasted even stronger. 😬🍺
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RT @lenadroid: Sleep when baby sleeps. Code when baby codes. Deploy when baby deploys. Write articles when baby writes articles. Improve yo…
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RT @leah_pierson: Some of my friends and I overcommit to things, so we made “Saying No to Things” punch cards. If you say no to 10 things,…
Blog post! Still documenting last year’s travels. Here’s our Autumn weekend visit to Füssen and King Ludwig’s famous castle of Neuschwanstein… 🏰
@pgarbe Yeah, I figured Covid was actually a good time to go for that reason!
@MichelePlayfair Whaaaaaat! Congrats!! That’s amazing. You’ll smash it. ❤️
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@40PercentGerman Fascinating! I haven’t yet encountered any difficulty using Kris vs Kristine, but I’ll keep it in mind…
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Back in the studio today with my AWS Innovate keynote co-host Philippe Battel! Join us Feb. 24 for 20+ technical sessions that will help you accelerate innovation and unlock new possibilities with machine learning on AWS.
You can register for free here:
The new Whitlams album is really good! And it hasn’t made me cry yet. (Bonus.)
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We treated ourselves to a fancy dinner at @koi_restaurant tonight! Dessert was ginger Crème Brûlée for me; chocolate fondant for the Snook. 😍
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@randomknits Awww so pretty!
RT @sebsto: We’re happy to propose you an online conference dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML)
February 24t…
@MichelePlayfair I can see the pain there, but it makes me wonder how much they got for radio plays by comparison…
@twasink @MichelePlayfair Thank you Robert! That’s really interesting. I knew songwriters were compensated but hadn’t realised that performing artists got so little.
@jesslynnrose Thanks Jessica! We’ve got a couple roles going in the AWS EMEA DevRel team, so @isahuerga and I will keep an eye on this thread…
Great Belgian Beer Tasting #10 – Vals Paterke Sils. A fruit beer! This is my favorite one yet.
(And yes, Charlie Brown cooked me dinner…)
@ListenToSassy More Australian slang!
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Great Belgian Beer Tasting #10 – Vals Paterke Sils. A fruit beer! This is my favorite one yet.
(And yes, Charlie Brown cooked me dinner…)
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@unixbigot Ooh. Just sent that to @the_snook. He’ll be all over it.
RT @yasmin_poole: A thread about Parliament, power and photo ops.
When I was 20, I visited Parliament with a group of young women advocati…
I too want all of this. ❤️🍰
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RT @seanmtracey: What do you do when you’re a technologist living in Brixton, that works @awscloud and is obsessed by the weather?
You mak…
RT @steven_bryen: 📣 AWS Developer Relations is looking for a Developer Advocate in the UK 🇬🇧
You’ll get to work with an amazing and divers…
@biglesp @seanmtracey @awscloud Yes, I want a blog post on how this is done please! ⚡
RT @seanmtracey: @web_goddess @biglesp @awscloud Funny you should both ask – I’m giving a talk about it this evening 😜…
RT @anniebombanie_: CSS Box Model — an illustrated analogy.
RT @HomerDong: First event of Berlin AWS UG this evening. RSVP below:
RT @missrobinson: Not smiling? Men should be relieved we’re not setting things on fire
Managed to sneak out between meetings for my first bit of sunshine and fresh air this week, only to get a BLOODY FLAT TIRE and end up walking home the last bit. 🚴♀️😡
Just was reminded of that time @jontv invited me to speak at TEDx Melbourne with two weeks notice, and I did, and it was really fun, and my hair looked amazing. Man, I miss in-person events…
RT @aselipsky: No one is more important to us than our builders.
If you’re an AWS tech enthusiast looking to level up, consider joining t…
Me: Well, surely I am the last lonely procrastinator on the team still writing Forte feedback requests at 11pm…
* @GunnarGrosch immediately reacts with emoji in team Slack *
@GunnarGrosch I actually had a long debate with @isahuerga today over whether it was midnight at the START of the 26th or the END. Where did you find the exact minute??
@GunnarGrosch @isahuerga Somehow I still managed to miss it. 😬
Pisces buddies!!