Great Belgian Beer Tasting #2! Ne Kemping from @beer4nature. Sweeter than the last one. More like a proper beer!
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The Great Belgian Beer tasting begins! First up is Toekan from @beer4nature. Very dry “aperitif” beer. Interesting!
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RT @AmazonNewsDE: .@awscloud und @DC_Institute1 gehen einen gemeinsamen Weg: Sie fördern Menschen in #digitalen Fähigkeiten um sie fit für…
@i386 My dear friend @emd3737 once dressed as Jareth for our Halloween party. SO GOOD! (I can’t remember if she had a codpiece…)
@LeenaVanD Pretty similar in German – die Rechnung
RT @RubenQuesada: “Almond Blossom” by Fiona Benson from Vertigo & Ghost (2021)
Trying to convince @the_snook to enter with some unholy Queen-Golem cake mash-up from the Women’s Weekly birthday cake book…
I bloody love the annual lamb commercials. This made me laugh and miss Australia.
@editingemily That was me today looking through six different Slack accounts trying to find the one I made lunch plans with @Osterjour.
Between the Sam Kekovich ad this morning and the 10min call I just had with a very ocker lady at AmEx back in Australia, I’m feeling quite homesick today!
@Mommyamygill She actually said at one point, “I’m being nosy… but is it better there than in Australia right now?”
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Crocheted infographic as temperature snek!
@JennaPrice Could always make or commission a custom one! I have a video showing the process.
5 topics I can talk about for 30 min without preparation:
1. Roald Dahl
2. Knitting (impact of tech, getting started, why “grafitti knitting” sucks, knitting as code, etc)
3. Good Omens and/or Johnlock fanfic
4. Early web development circa the dotcom boom
5. Working at AWS
@anshumalis GoT – books or show?
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RT @jjames_smith: I’ve bean a bit bored… but this feels important.
Ralph Fiennes And Dev Patel Join Wes Anderson’s ‘Henry Sugar’ Film – Deadline – I honestly asked Rodd if I was in a coma dreaming all this. This is going to be SO GOOD.
RT @RoaldDahlFans: Guessing: Patel as the younger version of Kingsley, both playing Imhrat Khan. (Or Kingsley could be Banerjee the yogi?)…
11km (6.5mi) in the snow! Tested out my new cold weather gear. Not too bad… @ Munich, Germany
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11km (6.5mi) in the snow! Tested out my new cold weather gear. Not too bad…
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Wes Anderson to Direct Roald Dahl’s ‘The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar,’ Starring Benedict Cumberbatch – MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME
@acodrington I wonder if it’s going to be an anthology film with more of the other short stories. The Boy Who Talked with Animals has been done on TV but would be good to add. Maybe the Swan? Though that could be problematic to show bullies tying a kid to train tracks.
RT @AliceAvizandum: FRANCE: we’re fancy
FRANCE: a fried ham sandwich is our national lunch
FRANCE: a fried ham sandwich wi…
@acodrington Cool! (Not sure if you’re aware, but I made this:
@gilmae @darthted My knitting Whatsapp group has discovered it. I don’t think Whatsapp has mute filters.
I blame @knitterjp for this somehow.
@hannahcancode We have unearthed two bean dishes from the freezer in the past week that I’m pretty sure were there for over a year.
Still good!
@jennapederson DAMN. Y’all are tough. We’re gonna be hovering in the 20’s for the next week and that’s cold enough for me!
RT @strangeharbors: Elmo/Rocco feud getting me through the week
Finally feels like winter…
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@dtraub @darkosubotica @NMoutschen Don’t forget the virtual bathrooms!
@randomknits ffs
@JennaGuillaume I watched it and live-tweeted it last year. It is a TRIP.
@40PercentGerman I find this intriguing. Are there any more details do I need to know, or do I just whack some cheese on stollen?
Pisces buddies!!