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    RT @rosannecash: How many pounds of black-eyed peas do I need to buy for New Year’s Day to turn this whole thing around, do you think?

    I understand this is required viewing for Silvester (aka NYE) in Germany. 🍷🥂😂 #wtf #tradition https://t.co/RrE93ppkBp

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    I understand this is required viewing for Silvester (aka NYE) in Germany. 🍷🥂😂 #wtf #tradition

    I understand this is required viewing for Silvester (aka NYE) in Germany. 🍷🥂😂 #wtf #tradition

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    A homemade dinner designed to bring luck in the New Year! Slow-roasted pork belly, Hoppin’ John, and broccoli.

    A homemade dinner designed to bring luck in the New Year! Slow-roasted pork belly, Hoppin’ John, and broccoli.

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    @Harr0uet Couple thousand visits per day (students around the world). VPS is def cheaper, and that’s where I hosted for most of last 20 years. But I’m moving from WordPress to static site entirely hosted on S3, which should drop the costs to pretty much nothing.

    @BugHunterSam Rest up and get better soon Sam. ❤️

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    @cuteiosdev I feel like I missed the boat on it so I’m now pretending it’s a deliberate boycott on my part. 😂

    @jmacmullin @cuteiosdev Yeah, read that several days ago. That’s why I gave up. By the time it hits mainstream media, it’s over. 😜

    @themaninblue You just reminded me that the year-end Best of @bootiemashup is out! Between that and yours, NYE soundtrack is sorted… 😃

    Always one of the best parts of the holiday season… 🎵 https://t.co/weOWgXN1te

    @alex_casalboni Lucky you. I am married to a literal server hugger. 😂 https://t.co/WVavl0f5Wb

    @cobusbernard Good lord. I think there’s a train from LA to Seattle? It sucks, but it’d be faster than this nonsense.

    RT @nameshiv: My alma mater has this oddball end of calendar year tradition where one kid dressed as the current year hands a sash over to…

    WOW! As I’d hoped, the CloudFront free tier expansion is saving me about 50% on my website hosting costs. (In fact, my sites are now fully within the free tier. No CF costs at all!) https://t.co/5SlFp6XaEL https://t.co/ZYLqIRM5SY

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    RT @mavi888uy: @web_goddess DynamoDB is always a hot topic in my channel and the interview I did with @alexbdebrie is obviously on the top!…

    RT @MetalClassicist: The CDC now recommends you wait till you’re halfway out of the underworld before checking if your spouse is still behi…

    @alex_casalboni 💥 How many guest rooms?? 😜

    @knitcodemonkey Welcome, Sister.

    RT @DVDBits: Here are my picks for the best films of 2021. https://t.co/YCziMQ6FMp #BestOf2021 #FilmTwitter

    RT @mtliendo: First it was Taco Bell, now its @hbomax showing off a bit of their Architecture and how they use @AWSAmplify in their org!…

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    Surprise delivery for me?! A lovely Christmas swag box from the AWS dev:Ember team has me feeling quite festive. 🎁🤶 Check out the #DevEmber tag to see all the creative projects my @AWSCloudANZ colleagues came up with… https://t.co/jxN3MZWDmq

    @mavi888uy WAIT, the favorite one?!?! 😲

    RT @mavi888uy: It seems that you all want to work at #AWS, as your favorite video was about the interview process that I did with @web_godd…

  • Photo Post

    Surprise delivery for me?! A lovely Christmas swag box from the AWS dev:Ember team has me feeling quite festive. 🎁🤶 Check out the #DevEmber tag on Twitter to see all the creative projects we came up with…

    Surprise delivery for me?! A lovely Christmas swag box from the AWS dev:Ember team has me feeling quite festive. 🎁🤶 Check out the #DevEmber tag on Twitter to see all the creative projects we came up with…

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    @heitor_lessa I don’t remember it really being a thing when I was growing up in the US. I suspect it’s to do with Facebook, and having a photo to share there on the day. The big trend I’m noticing now is matching pajamas for everyone. That’s exploded in the last ten years.

    @heitor_lessa Pre-Facebook, some families did take a yearly photo to be sent out as Christmas cards. (My sister has done this for like 15+ years.) I suspect that may contribute to the trend, as people started sharing those to FB instead of physically printing and posting.

    @killerswan @heitor_lessa Ha, yeah. It feels like a similar thing to those stick figure stickers people would stick to the back of their SUVs bragging about their 2.5 kids and a dog.

    RT @dragontologist: https://t.co/n2bMxt3BmR

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    Christmas is time for sweets! An enormous chocolate babka made by the Snook, and Kaiserschmarrn (Tirolean pancake) made by me! https://t.co/hfrgScC7Sj

    In news that will surprise no one, we made way too much food for two people. (Turkey, mashed potatoes, roasted onions, glazed carrots, peas, and gravy for dinner!) @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/1hkJ8Gcy1X

    @GarethinNRW YUMMMM. Well, the onions were roasted with the turkey!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!