@kcarruthers Interesting. By comparison, I’ve got a 5-pack coming from https://t.co/pZoWXw6p7x today that cost me €25. That’s actually not much cheaper, with the exchange rate.
@darthted 🙁
Happy Gravy Day Aussies! And thanks @knitterjp
for sharing this deep-dive into the famous 5min Xmas song (without a chorus – but with a gravy recipe – set in a prison!) that honestly made me tear up on the way home from the supermarket today. 🇦🇺🦘❤️
Temperature blankets – I do love a good knitted/crocheted data visualisation! 🧶 https://t.co/XTGh8zu2qo
Stupid jet lag. Just looked up and suddenly it’s midnight
Me: What is happening. Why are you doing Dr. Strange hands?
Him: I’m doing yesterday’s #adventofcode and It involves rotating things in space.
😂 https://t.co/FQVF7J3XaA
@gilmae To my delight, I was just doing my Watson thing and my first guess was what he tried first, and my second guess is what he’s now implementing to get the solution! Feeling quite proud. (Except I have no idea how to actually execute it. I leave that to the Consulting Detectives.)
@gilmae To be clear: he was already working on that approach. I didn’t give him the idea. 😂
@gilmae Keep going! He nearly gave up on it. He is convinced he is The Worst at it every single day. And I say, “GROWTH MINDSET!”
My sincere apologies to the taxi driver who brought us home from the airport and who, in my jetlagged state, I couldn’t understand when he hinted repeatedly about giving him a tip. In my defense, he was speaking German and I was very tired and it was a €100 fare anyway!
@MelissaKaulfuss He did. But I confused it with Bargeld and kept saying I was sorry but I didn’t have any. 😂
@MelissaKaulfuss Exactly! I do feel bad though. I’ll make it up to the next one.
At the end of November we headed to the US for AWS re:Invent as well as a long-awaited Christmas visit with my family.
We had a fairly early flight out of Munich, and the first snowfall of the year was just starting as we waited for the train to the airport.
We flew from Munich to Chicago, our first big transcontinental flight in a very long time! That flight wasn’t too full, but the one from Chicago to Vegas certainly was.
We got to Vegas and checked into our hotel. We were both pretty tired, but we knew we had to stay up as long as we could. Some of the European AWS leaders I knew were in town, so we met up with a few of them for dinner at In-N-Out.
That’s us with the lovely Rinon and Gloria from Zürich at The Book in the Linq Hotel. We were really flagging at this point, so that’s when we called it a night!
The next day I wasn’t on duty until later in the day, so I took the Snook to lunch with a colleague of mine at the Momofuku in the Cosmopolitan Hotel.
The pork belly buns are, as always, divine…
The Snook went with the Shoyu Pork Ramen…
…while I had the Ginger Scallion Noodle with Chicken.
We were staying in the Bellagio, which had kind of a “winter wonderland” set up in the lobby. I should note that I was really happily surprised by the level of mask wearing in Vegas. All of the casinos had signs up announcing that masks were required, and pretty much everybody was complying. I even saw people wearing them on the Strip in the spots that were very crowded.
I headed over to the Expo hall to meet up with my colleagues at the AWS DevLounge. Here I am with Isa, who heads up AWS DevRel for EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa).
We had a big wall set up for user group leaders to write on, so I couldn’t resist giving a shoutout to my buddies back in Australia!
That night I headed to Mandalay Bay for a special AWS Heroes event. Heroes are external AWS experts who are recognised for leading communities, creating content, and basically being amazing ambassadors for the platform. One of the perks they get each year is an all-expenses paid trip to re:Invent, as well as a special kickoff mixer. This is me with Martin, Markus, and Philipp from the German AWS community.
The view was pretty amazing!
I spent the whole next day in a meeting room with the DevRel leadership team, working on our goals and strategy for the year. (I should mention that Rodd was actually working too, just remotely from our hotel.) We had a special dinner reservation that night though…
Roy Choi’s Best Friend in the Park MGM! We caught the monorail over and were delighted to discover that the Park MGM is smoke-free. WOW. I’m actually tempted to stay there the next time I visit. It was literally a breath of fresh air.
The front of Best Friend looks like a Korean convenience store, but once you get in it opens up into a more traditional dining room. Our table had a view through to the kitchen. (I still look jet lagged.)
It’s a Korean restaurant, so of course we had to get banchan! I also couldn’t resist ordering a Frosé slushie from the “Dranks” menu.
We had Kogi Short Rib Tacos, Street Corn, Garlic Chicken, and glistening dinner rolls. In all honesty, it was too much food!
These are the faces of two people who are definitely not ordering dessert. 😂
One of my main jobs at re:Invent was hosting some of the AWS OnAir sessions. Here’s one that I did the next day talking with our customer Aerospike.
I should also mention that I helped with a project to build a beer recommendation mobile application, which was also presented by some of my colleagues at re:Invent too.
After a long day in the Expo, I headed over to the Wynn casino for a meeting of AWS User Group leaders.
That’s me with my colleague Sebastien taking selfies. It was really cool to hear from some of these folks about best practices for running meetups and creating inclusive communities.
That night, the DevRel team had a dinner at the Eiffel Tower in the Paris Hotel. We had a really great view of the Bellagio Fountain show.
And I had a pretty amazing Creme Brûlée to end the night…
The next day, I broke out my famous AWS dress. Here I am along with Dale Chihuly’s famous “Fiori Di Como” ceiling in the Bellagio.
My last day at re:Invent started in the Expo Hall again as we were getting ready for another day of Community talks.
I also hosted several more OnAir sessions, including this cool one where had some of the new AWS Outposts servers physically there to look at.
And that was it for my first ever re:Invent experience! It was finally time to go on vacation…
@united My husband has been trying to upload his vax docs to your Travel Ready Center for the last 2 hours and they keep getting rejected. His are the exact same as mine, and mine went through instantly. What gives? Flight is in 22 hours…
Saying goodbye to the King of Boner Lake. (Does that make me the Princess?) 👸❤️ #yesthatswhatitscalled @ Boner Lake https://t.co/ktfZZKMIJ9
Rest assured, Chicago, that ketchup was only for the fries. 😍🌭 @ Chicago O’Hare International Airport https://t.co/rJw7ciVe2e
Stargazing. 🔭🌌🌔 We tried to find Comet Leonard but we got too cold. We saw Venus (as a crescent!), the moons of Jupiter, and craters on the Moon! https://t.co/rn5Q7adek3
We went to see Spiderman: No Way Home this afternoon. I enjoyed it – it was exactly what I expected, but very well done! The credits song choice made me laugh… 🕷😂
RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Fox News dealt a staggering blow as a judge rules that Dominion Voting Systems can proceed with its $1.6 bil…
@iAnuragKale And I need to come back and spend more time in Sweden! 🙌
@lynnlangit I think we set a high temp record in Indiana. It was over 60. My Grandma was telling at the local news “THAT’S NOT A GOOD THING YOU IDIOTS”.
@joncoopertweets Email! I go to @DemsAbroad every time to make sure I’m registered and following the correct steps for Indiana.
Good reminder to log in and delete my account… https://t.co/wJ5jIIx4VZ
RT @GermanAtPompey: It’s not too late for Time Magazine to change their ‘Person of the Year’ 2021 from Elon Musk. https://t.co/inN1FcDPFt
RT @terryandrob: Angelic news! Jon Hamm is returning as Archangel Gabriel in Good Omens Season 2 https://t.co/nhiFGORPvS
RT @QuinnyPig: Jeez, people in my timeline arguing about the merits of CDK vs. Pulumi and I’m just waiting for you all to get on my level.…
Blog post! It’s taken me literally months, but I finally finished writing about our epic trip through the Nordics to Moominworld this past summer. ❤️
https://t.co/l9MlSKtbvS https://t.co/z3EVebzPrK
He’s gonna get rid of it one of these says, but damn I love the design of this old cooktop. More appliances should have big chunky buttons! https://t.co/hbB30CFu0F
My Mom (and her quilt shop) featured in a video from @RobAppellDesign! https://t.co/9U51ldu5QN
Pisces buddies!!