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    RT @QuinnyPig: Jeez, people in my timeline arguing about the merits of CDK vs. Pulumi and I’m just waiting for you all to get on my level.…

    Blog post! It’s taken me literally months, but I finally finished writing about our epic trip through the Nordics to Moominworld this past summer. ❤️

    https://t.co/l9MlSKtbvS https://t.co/z3EVebzPrK

    He’s gonna get rid of it one of these says, but damn I love the design of this old cooktop. More appliances should have big chunky buttons! https://t.co/hbB30CFu0F

    My Mom (and her quilt shop) featured in a video from @RobAppellDesign! https://t.co/9U51ldu5QN

  • Photo Post

    He’s gonna get rid of it one of these days, but damn I love the design of this old cooktop. More appliances should have big chunky buttons!

    He’s gonna get rid of it one of these days, but damn I love the design of this old cooktop. More appliances should have big chunky buttons!

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    RT @Mr_CunnyFunt: Only in Australia. 🤣🤣 https://t.co/VSoqV8pfNZ

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    Still on vacation… I actually enjoy this song. #whamageddon 🔥🎄❄️ https://t.co/OQdXz40ebO

    RT @jvn: The biggest threats of violence against women has always been cis gender men. Not trans women, unless Jk’s constant transphobic ch…

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    @BattenbrgBarbie I’ve been listening to Stephen Fry reading the complete Sherlock Holmes, and I hadn’t remembered how many Aussies figure in those stories… 😩

    Christmas in Indiana… 🦌🎅 https://t.co/tJwVL2t8Ib

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    Sampling many fine local brews… ❤️🍻 @ 41 Degrees North https://t.co/RVBTfjfojm

    Breakfast = an Amish-made cinnamon roll the size of my head. 😍 https://t.co/Tu7Pv709ed

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    RT @pwcrack: Happy Birthday Grace Hopper, Ph. D., Rear Admiral, computer scientist and inventor of machine-independent programming language…

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    RT @AWSCloudANZ: With so many food & drink options during the holidays, how do you know what to pick? Kris Howard (@web_goddess) built a wo…

    A very fun little video I made in my backyard in Munich! Missing all of you back in Oz this Christmas… 🇦🇺🦘❤️🍻 https://t.co/khc3DDmwuG

    @net_hues @scottpape Thank you for sharing that! I hadn’t seen, but I agree with him 100%. It’s a gold rush and a scam at this point.

    @snaxolotl Love. It. 👍

    @pgarbe If you look closely at the demo, it uses Las Vegas craft beers! I hand-scraped that data myself. 😂 That’s why I was drinking Firestone at the Hero party – I recognised it from the app!

    RT @dtraub: Im re:Invent Community Special des AWS Podcast habe ich das Vergnügen mit @linda_mhmd, @Osterjour, @hoegertn und meiner Lieblin…

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    @wiredferret Oh yes! I made her Montrose top too.

    I’ve been in the US for like 10 days and so far I’ve had two family members and a friend ask me whether they should be investing in crypto. My rant keeps getting longer and longer. Non-tech folks are going to lose a lot of money, and I hold some of you responsible.

    @BugHunterSam My version is shorter: would you bet it all in Vegas? Then go for it. Because it’s gambling, not investing.

    RT @dtraub: Last night @linda_mhmd. @web_goddess, @Osterjour, @hoegertn, and I recorded a special episode of the German-language AWS Podca…

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    On long-haul flights, my nose doesn’t dry out so much! https://t.co/GfyvNnHDFp

    Speaking coherent German on @dtraub’s podcast is always a challenge, but after re:Invent and ten days in the US, I feel particularly challenged. 😩


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!