Still on vacation… I actually enjoy this song. #whamageddon
RT @jvn: The biggest threats of violence against women has always been cis gender men. Not trans women, unless Jk’s constant transphobic ch…
Still on vacation… I actually enjoy this song. #whamageddon
RT @jvn: The biggest threats of violence against women has always been cis gender men. Not trans women, unless Jk’s constant transphobic ch…
@BattenbrgBarbie I’ve been listening to Stephen Fry reading the complete Sherlock Holmes, and I hadn’t remembered how many Aussies figure in those stories…
Christmas in Indiana…
Sampling many fine local brews… @ 41 Degrees North
Breakfast = an Amish-made cinnamon roll the size of my head.
RT @pwcrack: Happy Birthday Grace Hopper, Ph. D., Rear Admiral, computer scientist and inventor of machine-independent programming language…
RT @AWSCloudANZ: With so many food & drink options during the holidays, how do you know what to pick? Kris Howard (@web_goddess) built a wo…
A very fun little video I made in my backyard in Munich! Missing all of you back in Oz this Christmas…
@net_hues @scottpape Thank you for sharing that! I hadn’t seen, but I agree with him 100%. It’s a gold rush and a scam at this point.
@snaxolotl Love. It.
@pgarbe If you look closely at the demo, it uses Las Vegas craft beers! I hand-scraped that data myself. That’s why I was drinking Firestone at the Hero party – I recognised it from the app!
RT @dtraub: Im re:Invent Community Special des AWS Podcast habe ich das Vergnügen mit @linda_mhmd, @Osterjour, @hoegertn und meiner Lieblin…
@wiredferret Oh yes! I made her Montrose top too.
I’ve been in the US for like 10 days and so far I’ve had two family members and a friend ask me whether they should be investing in crypto. My rant keeps getting longer and longer. Non-tech folks are going to lose a lot of money, and I hold some of you responsible.
@BugHunterSam My version is shorter: would you bet it all in Vegas? Then go for it. Because it’s gambling, not investing.
RT @dtraub: Last night @linda_mhmd. @web_goddess, @Osterjour, @hoegertn, and I recorded a special episode of the German-language AWS Podca…
On long-haul flights, my nose doesn’t dry out so much!
Speaking coherent German on @dtraub’s podcast is always a challenge, but after re:Invent and ten days in the US, I feel particularly challenged.
Suddenly quite homesick.
@gilmae It’s a Festivus miracle!
Vacation begins.
RT @carbocommander: Xmas is a wonderful time for family conversations. While hanging lights, I introduced the concept of “male” and “female…
RT @dirk_f5r: Although it’s true that there were other interesting dresses today, @web_goddess still wins with that unique AWS dress. #aws…
RT @cube_drone: any time someone smugly goes “RSS didn’t die”
@heatherbado Bumbles BOUNCE! (TIL my husband has no idea what that means. This needs to be remedied.)
RT @LegoCSWomen: New on @LEGOIdeas: 10K Club interview with @20tauri, creator of the LEGO Women of Computing (currently being considered fo…
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
Pisces buddies!!