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    @Mandy_Kerr https://t.co/nzbScmNy69

    The AWS Community Day Germany, Austria, and Switzerland has just started on YouTube! Track 1 is auf Deutsch; Track 2 is in English. https://t.co/roEph1q0uQ Thanks to all of these amazing folks for making it happen! 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭@AWSCommunityDE https://t.co/mkSfpq8jCC

    @AWSCommunityDE AWS Community Days like this couldn’t happen without the support of sponsors. Many thanks to the wonderful companies who have helped with both the virtual and in-person parts of this event. https://t.co/oOvTFm5n9M

    Really happy to see @OlenaKutsenko presenting about OpenSearch as part of #AWSCommunityDayDACH! (But damn, her code is making me hungry…) 😂 @AWSCommunityDE https://t.co/wUxOWHAUPn

    I have been absolutely loving @harvilla’s “60 Songs That Explain the 90s” podcast with only one exception: the R.E.M. episode! Every other ep gets a superfan special guest, but we got a hater. My inner overly dramatic 16yo self was CRUSHED. https://t.co/MRzaFWH2Eu

    @kcm74 @harvilla All the eps are good. It’s not @harvilla I object to – I love his writing. It was just the guest who hated them!

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    Guess who is about to give her first in-person presentation since Covid?! https://t.co/WSPjnReWSJ

    RT @tprstly: J.R.R. Token https://t.co/ziaQc70F9b

    @thebeebs Phew! I’ll be coasting on that adrenaline for the next day or two. 😅

    Phew, thanks for the well-wishes! That went really well. Only 20 people due to facilities limits, but wow, I’m still high on the adrenaline. 😅

    @JessPWhite Thank you! One of the advantages of living in a place with proper autumn and winter is actually getting to wear the things I knit. 😂

    The Föhn is on! It’s a warm, dry wind from the mountains and it’s resulted in a warm, sunny Autumn day. We’re taking advantage by having lunch on the garden while we can… ❤️🍂🍁 @ Theresienhöhe https://t.co/wFe60JZMpv

    The German AWS Community Game Day is happening, and I have to say, the commentary team are all looking ADORABLE! ❤️🦄 @AWSCommunityDE @dtraub @linda_mhmd @andreas_ruetten https://t.co/zPxthl3dNT https://t.co/KYfwDN9BMN

    @Joanwestenberg Thank you. I am trying to capture the good moments, because I’m sure we will be having a spell of grey, rainy, cold weather soon and I will be missing Australia something fierce. ❤️

    @vuyo_mhlotshane I DMed you! 🙂

    Herzlichen Glüchwünsch to the winning team from @MOIAmobility for the first ever AWS DACH Community Game Day! They scored more than 200K points, a massive victory! 😳🦄 @AWSCommunityDE https://t.co/GfOQzkdlQJ

    And also a massive thank you to the wonderful support team who helped out behind the scenes making sure the whole Game Day ran smoothly. Well done to all of you! It wouldn’t have happened without your amazing efforts. 👏 @AWSCommunityDE https://t.co/rBhLNDbYuK

    @brittanieshey I’ll admit to a fondness for vinyl diner booths, but I’m with you 100% on all the rest.

    Trying to convince the Snook that we should go to the Bavarian Film Studios’ Halloween exhibit, which is delightfully called “Spooky Tour.” SPOOKY TOUR. How cute is that?! 🎃🦇🧛‍♂️🧟‍♂️ https://t.co/5G8tDgTCMi

    @DivineOps Winning on all counts!

  • Photo Post

    The Föhn is on! It’s a warm, dry wind from the mountains and it’s resulted in a warm, sunny Autumn day. We’re taking advantage by having lunch on the garden while we can… ❤️🍂🍁

    The Föhn is on! It’s a warm, dry wind from the mountains and it’s resulted in a warm, sunny Autumn day. We’re taking advantage by having lunch on the garden while we can… ❤️🍂🍁

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    @stephenlead Ha! I saw that last night and had a laugh. Nope. 😂

    RT @MFWitches: Retweet if you

    @MichelePlayfair @mmastertheone I use it too! Our kitchen iPad is really old though so I’m on an ancient version. It’s still super useful, but maybe I should look at upgrading… 🤔

    “Oh, I follow you on Twitter!” is definitely the funnest way to meet a new colleague. 😂 *waves at @MP_Dominguez*

    @MP_Dominguez Meh, same same. Selfie time!! https://t.co/y8jnc8kWOP

    Me, listening attentively to an educational lecture about the best SEO techniques to apply to your content so it shows up for the people who need it: “Yes, hmm, very interesting.” 🤔

    @dtraub: “Your best tweet was about three meters of salami.” 😂

    @larsklint @damovisa @Raspberry_Pi @LEGO_Education I’m disappointed. I was expecting something to actually go on your head. https://t.co/qnDGXwgqAg

    My friend @unlikelylibrary: “Do you know the term ‘shipping’? I’m shipping this team on a baking show…”


    It is. #bakingimpossible https://t.co/wpjIBtggHz

    @unlikelylibrary Dear @netflix – I would 100% watch a show where Cindy and Taylor just make ridiculous things. https://t.co/rup0OQGwxt

    @Malarkey I use it for two of my sites, after I outgrew the homegrown CMS I started with. I had been hesitant, but @johnallsopp gave me some good advice about it. I actually quite like it, and it lets me focus on the stuff I care about.

    @toolmantim Nice one!! 👏

    @TheRealBnut Yes. I googled them tonight and now I do as well. 🙁

    @TheRealBnut But I still think they make a fun team and I dig their creativity and their kind vibe. Would still watch them in a show. 🙂

    @TheRealBnut Renee lost me when she forgot to steer the boat. Nope, sorry.

    RT @buildkite: 📣⏩ Announcing UnblockConf 21! A new three day virtual developer conference for teams implementing CI/CD at scale. Hear talks…

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    RT @fanniebay: G’day from Down Under @tedcruz. Thanks for your interest in the Territory. I’m the Chief Minister. Below are a few facts abo…

    @marksbirch I’d write something about preying on the desperate with dreams of a big payout, to the point where they work themselves to death… but, you know, NDAs and such. 😜

  • Fairytale Castles

    Fairytale Castles

    On our way back from Barcelona, I pulled out my phone and idly checked the Hohenschangau ticket office, as I had many times over the past few months. To my delight, they actually had some tickets available for the next weekend! On a whim I bought a pair and we quickly arranged a weekend away in Füssen, the nearest town to the famous castle of Neuschwanstein.

    On the train to Fussen

    Füssen is southwest of Munich, less than three hours on the train. (It’s right next to the Austrian border, the next valley over from Garmisch-Partenkirchen.) The weather that weekend was gorgeous, and it was thrilling to see the mountains rising up in the distance. And… is that a little castle I spy?? 🏰


    We stayed in the Hotel Schlosskrone, just a short walk from the train station. The view from our hotel was pretty glorious.

    View from hotel

    We headed out into the town for a wander and to find some dinner. Füssen was founded in Roman times and it’s retained quite a medieval feel.

    Evening in Fussen

    It’s pretty touristy too, being the closest place to Ludwig’s castles. Phew, €500+ for a cuckoo clock?!

    Cuckoo clocks

    We also got a glimpse of the Hohes Schloss (“High Castle”) up on the hill, the former summer residence of the prince-bishops of Augsburg.

    Hohes Schloss

    The next day we headed back out to check it out in the sunshine…

    Hohes Schloss

    Gosh it was beautiful there.

    Hohes Schloss

    We were heading towards the river, where we knew there were was a waterfall. Along the way we ducked in the courtyard of St. Mang’s, a former Benedictine monastery. Now it contains the Museum of Füssen.

    St. Mang’s Courtyard

    I loved how decorated the buildings were in town. This was the Church of the Holy Spirit.

    Church of the Holy Spirit

    The river in Füssen is called the Lech, and it flows from a lake in the Alps all the way to the Danube. Here’s the Snook on the Lechbrücke (“Lech Bridge”).


    We had another view of St. Mang’s from the river.

    St. Mang’s

    We crossed the river and hiked a short distance to the west, where we reached our destination – the Lechfall.


    The water pours down a series of steps at a narrow bend in the river with high cliffs on either side. Up on the cliff there is a small memorial to King Maximilian II of Bavaria. There’s also a small footbridge across the river that we headed down to get a better view.


    I recorded a little video too.

    Behind us, looking back east towards town…

    River Lech

    The water in the river was incredibly clear.


    We crossed the river in search of the Via Claudia Augusta, the ancient Roman road created by Drusus and his Emperor son Claudius. Now parts of it are a popular hiking path marked with replicas of the Roman milestones.

    Via Claudia Augusta

    We followed it north towards the Tal der Sinne (“Valley of the Senses”).

    Via Claudia Augusta

    Along the way we passed lots of charming houses, both modern and traditional.

    We made it to The Valley and found an old ski jump! That was pretty cool.

    Ski Jump

    And the Snook got to impersonate a sundial.

    Sundial Snookums

    We hiked back into town in search of sustenance. We passed a lot of hotels and guest houses, but tourist numbers were still pretty low due to Covid.


    I thought this building covered in birdhouses was really cute.

    Bird houses

    Back in town, we did some shopping. I lobbied hard, but no, he regrettably did not buy the hat.

    Snookums in the hat

    We found a sunny spot for lunch and beers…

    The Snook may not have bought a hat, but I did! I got it at the Hutladen.

    My new hat

    The next day, it was time to head to the castles! 🏰


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    @BronwenZ Similar to the other one of his we visited, he ran out of money before it was done. But what they managed to finish (throne room, king’s apartment, music room) was opulent and stunning.

    @BronwenZ They don’t let you take photos inside though. 🙁

    Watching the Sun clear the mountains before our tour of Hohenschwangau castle. 🌄🍂🏰 @ Schloss Hohenschwangau https://t.co/GIX5e4pfDs

    “It is a beautiful day in the castle, and you are a horrible swan.” 😂🦢🏰 @ Schloss Hohenschwangau https://t.co/BAToxwW8Se

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    RT @DeichCruiser: Ich bin geimpft. Zeige bei Bedarf gerne den Nachweis vor. Maske tragen finde ich nicht dramatisch da wo es nötig ist. Stö…

    Current view. 🏔🏰 #neuschwanstein @ Alpseee Rundweg https://t.co/mDu7QuEWtE

    Today we hiked around the Alpsee and then up to Neuschwanstein for a tour inside. Perfect Bavarian day… ❤️🏔🏰🍂 https://t.co/f0iAdsQUjo

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    He told me I looked cute in the hat and bought it for me as a present… and not five minutes later referred to me as “Boober Fraggle.” 🤣 @ Füssen im Allgäu https://t.co/CASbSZRb0h

    RT @skorfmann: Gonna talk about CDK for Terraform and the general idea of what I actually mean by Cloud Driven Development @AWSCommunityDE…

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    @Erdbeervogel Eh, it’s fine. I think it definitely focuses more on the “engineering” part, as you don’t really see much details of how they make the cake parts each time.

    @randomknits What did you see??

    @randomknits OOH, nice! How was it? I ❤️ Awkwafina.

    My first blog post in AGES! Lots of photos from my summer of cycling in Munich, as well as details about my new bike and the harrowing tale of my first ever saddle sore. 😳🚴‍♀️

    https://t.co/vJBEVxMKA9 https://t.co/QNPnVHUlCz

    @Vel12171 @vuyo_mhlotshane @tinydata42 @awsdevelopers YES! I know about this. I was on a call about it this morning. Two seconds…

    @Vel12171 @vuyo_mhlotshane @tinydata42 @awsdevelopers Okay! The CFP is here, and they are looking for 20 min talks: https://t.co/xqOx6mX7yD. The event will be streamed on Nov. 19: https://t.co/HbhzHMrs0Q

    Ladies! AWS She Builds are holding our first ever global online Summit, and we’re looking for technical and career talks (20min sessions). The CFP is open only until Oct. 20, so get in there! https://t.co/xqOx6mX7yD Actual event streamed on Nov. 19: https://t.co/HbhzHMrs0Q https://t.co/UP8CngCNXw

    Off on another mini-adventure! 🏰🏔 (That last pic is the view out our hotel room window!) https://t.co/YQIpXOfMVv

    Füssen is pretty charming. @ Füssen im Allgäu https://t.co/oO1N88DCJp


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!