• Celebrity Sighting

    Celebrity Sighting: I just spotted Jane Slicer-Smith buying DPNs in our shop! Okay, so that means nothing to 99% of you, but it sure impressed Michelle and Bridget when I correctly identified her. Of course, it helps that she always has dozens of pictures of herself all over her craft show stalls (and her website).

  • Day Five

    Of interest to some: This is my fifth day of being Diet Coke-free! I’ve switched over to sparkling mineral water, which seems to help with my craving for something fizzy without all the added sugar and crap. I also feel like I’m getting some improvement with my stomach situation. Yay!

  • City 2 Surf

    City 2 Surf Recap
    Did you know that Sydney’s City 2 Surf is the largest timed fun run in the world? AND WE KICKED ITS ASS. Okay, so we didn’t even come close to Dickson’s or Anna’s times, but we did manage to jog most of the distance and finish relatively strongly. We started the day off by walking over to the start (about 20 minutes from our place), figuring it would be a good warm-up. Once we got there, we were just astounded by the number of people. They’d actually closed registration a day or two before as more than 63,000 people had signed up. We fought our way through to collect our red baseball caps and then nervously joined the other 19,000 runners in the HSBC start. (That’s the “middle” group, behind the serious contenders but ahead of the walkers in monkey suits.) We heard the pistol as the elite group took off, and a few minutes later it was our turn. I’d thought to bring a stop watch so I started it once we actually got up to the starting line. (It took a while; 19,000 people don’t get moving very quickly!) And then we were off…

    The initial bit heading down William Street was so fun. Everybody was cheering and I felt like I could run forever. I kept turning my head to look at the sea of red surging down the street behind me. I’ve never seen that many people running in my life. Of course, the immediate problem was picking your way through the crowd. Just as you’d start get get up some steam, you’d run smack into ten soccer moms walking abreast in the middle of the road. (I honestly bet we probably ran an extra kilometer from all the sideways dodging we had to do.) It was also tricky to stay together since the red caps made it hard to spot one another. At any rate, we seemed to be making really good time and we decided to skip the first drinks station. (We’d done a good job of hydrating beforehand; all the more remarkable considering that this guy and this guy got Snookums drunk the night before.) I remember coming into Double Bay and just starting to realize how hard this was going to be and how much I was going to hurt… when I heard pumping rock music in the distance. We turned the corner to see a full-on 80’s hair band wailing through “Paradise City” on the roof of the Golden Sheaf Hotel. It was AWESOME, like a scene out of a movie. Have you ever seen 10,000 people try to jog and head bang at the same time? I have.

    The rest of the course is a blur, really. I remember passing a few jazz bands of old guys tootling away on their horns and clapping with delight. I remember enterprising little kids who’d set up lemonade stands along the route, as well as the more philanthropic kid with a bowl of ice cubes he was handing out. I remember people spraying their garden hoses over the appreciative crowds. (Did I mention how GORGEOUS it was today? Sometimes I can’t believe I live somewhere so pretty.) I remember turning a corner and seeing the crowd surging up up up… So this was Heartbreak Hill. Two kilometers pretty much straight up. We walked the steep bits and tried to run on the flat bits, along with pretty much everybody else. The church at the top had erected a big sign congratulating us on making it the top, and I could’ve wept. An onlooker yelled out “AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE” and I screamed “OI OI OI!” “I’m surprised anyone has the breath!” said the woman struggling next to me. “I’m a new Australian, and that was my first official OI chant!” I grinned. We could tell we were making good time, even with my walk breaks (which became more frequent in the second half). Our stopwatch was running about twelve minutes behind official race time. As we passed the 8K mark at the top of the hill, I said to Rodd, “There! Now this is the farthest you’ve ever run.” And when we passed the 10K, it was his turn to say it to me. I could see the ocean and feel the cool breeze as we neared Bondi. My stomach had been cramping the whole time and I started to get a stitch, but Snookums kept me moving. We were nearly there. The only accident came as we were heading down in to Bondi. I turned to tell Snookums I needed to take a breather, and a girl who’d been running right behind me swerved and tripped over my foot. She went down to the pavement and I apologized profusely as I hauled her up. It could’ve been worse; the St. Johns Ambulance people looked to be busy with folks who’d overexerted themselves.

    We’d asked a lot of people before the race about their previous times, trying to gauge how long it would take us. The serious runners were all under 90 minutes, while the walkers were over two hours. Our previous 8K took us about 50 minutes so theoretically 14K should be doable in under 100, but with our lack of training (thanks to my stomach) and Heartbreak Hill, we decided to aim for two hours. Two hours, we figured, would be miraculous. Well, guess what? As we struggled around the final turn, I raised my head to the official clock. It read 1:56:00. “Look at the time!” I yelled. Screw the stitch; screw my stomach; screw my aching feet and jelly legs. I just started pounding one foot in front of the other. We crossed the line at 117 minutes, and I was trying so hard to keep moving and breathing (and not break down in tears) that I forgot to check the stopwatch. Whatever. Our time will get adjusted down anyway due to the delayed start, and we knew we were about 12 minutes off the official clock. So we’re calling it 105 minutes. Which is AMAZING. I still can’t believe it. The next hour was a haze of wandering through crowds and waiting in line to get a bus back to the city, from whence we walked back home to Chippendale. My face was gritty from the salt of dried sweat. After a shower, we headed out to the cafe for massive cheeseburgers. Then it was home for a long nap, followed by an hourlong massage (for me) and many hours of World of Warcraft (for the Snook). It’s gonna take us a few days to recover.

    So man, 14K is HARD. That’s nearly nine miles. It’s the longest we’ve ever run (or walked, for that matter) in our lives. And you know the craziest part? As soon as we finished, the Snook started talking about an upcoming HALF-MARATHON. I think we’ve created a monster here…

  • City 2 Surf

    Less than 48 hours til the City 2 Surf… And you know what? You can justify a lot of eating with the phrase “carb loading”! (We’re so dead.)

  • Save the 3801

    I was stopped on my way to work this morning by a very cute guy in blue coveralls handing out brochures in front of Town Hall. (Normally I try to avoid the chuggers, but like I said, he was cute.) I read the brochure as I waited for the lights to change. “What?! They’re shutting down the 3801?!” The 3801 is the awesome old steam train we took on our trip to Hogsmeade, and I was really hoping to do it again for the next Harry Potter book. This is an outrage! I am drafting letters to my local representative, the Minister for Transport, and everybody else I can think of. SAVE THE 3801! I MUST HAVE ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO DRESS UP LIKE A WIZARD!

  • Ebert’s Getting Better

    Roger Ebert’s wife has posted an update about his medical condition. Sounds like he’s slowly getting better!

  • Liquids on a Plane!

    This whole Liquids on a Plane thing is RIDICULOUS. (Though that poster is genius.) Are you telling me that the next time I fly to the US, I have to go 14 hours without a water bottle or a tube of Chapstick? Not to mention the fact that I’ll have to wear my glasses (since contact lens solution is verboten). I’d step off the plane looking like a dried-out, chapped-lips ZOMBIE. Looks like we’re stuck in Oz for a while!

  • “The RIVER?”

    Oh GOOD GRIEF. David Jones is paying Mischa Barton, like, a hundred grand to sit at a couple fashion shows this weekend, and good ol’ Marissa is impressing the journos already. She says she can’t wait to see “the river.” The “river” being Sydney Harbour. If my eyes rolled back any further in my head, we’d have a serious contact lens-related emergency here.

  • Appreciation

    How do you show appreciation to the one you love? I think that’s a great question, and some of the answers people gave are really touching. I especially liked this description of the “five languages” of love. While a bouquet of flowers or a love note would make me swoon, the Snook is of a very different sort. I think I’ve finally got him pegged though: tonight I brought him a PBJ sandwich and a cup of tea while he was playing World of Warcraft. I am the Best Wifey Ever right now… 🙂


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. Emily Dibdin on Nope.

    Thanks Kris. Didn’t know about the environmental stuff, thanks for that.

  2. Simply that I was disappointed they chose to partner with and feature a technology that is actively making the world…



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!