I’d just like to state that I had nothing – NOTHING! – to do with the nipples blatantly visible in the new Tapestry Craft window display. Thank you.
Updated: I took a picture. See? Nips. Psychedelic pink nips.
I’d just like to state that I had nothing – NOTHING! – to do with the nipples blatantly visible in the new Tapestry Craft window display. Thank you.
Updated: I took a picture. See? Nips. Psychedelic pink nips.
This is neat. Click Survey. It’s a painting and you’re supposed to click on it wherever you like. Then it shows you where everybody else clicked. Go do it before you see where I clicked…I clicked on the dot on her forehead.
Helpful link: Japanese Knitting Basics. Very useful for translating Asian yarn labels and needle sizes.
Can you guess who was more industrious this weekend, me or the cat?
That was my first attempt at making pumpkin bread (in the bread machine, of course). It’s nice! We were out of ground cumin so I put in some of Herbie’s Mexican Chili Powder, which works well. It’s a very pretty and healthy-looking loaf of bread. And then there’s the cat, snoozing on her favourite chair under the dining room table. Little slacker. Of course, neither of us came close to the slacking levels of the Snook, who discovered World of Warcraft. Pray for me.
CityScape Coat Hangers. Okay, I can tell that that one is London, this one is Paris and Tokyo, and the bottom-right one on this one is New York. But what’s that fifth one?
Easily mispronounced domain names. Heh. (Link courtesy of Daring Fireball.)
I walked in the door after work tonight and literally gasped in horror. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the crime scene. Why yes, that is $17/ball Noro Silk Garden dragged all over the floor. And of course, the requisite shot of the criminal. She’s not sorry. Not one bit.
Whoa. I really, really want the Nike + iPod Sport Kit. Of course, that would necessitate buying a new iPod… and new shoes… and the kit… and, you know, starting to run again. *sigh*
How to be an Eccentric. I really like the idea of training yourself not to say “um” and “uh”, and being Super Polite Girl is probably a worthwhile aspiration. Which reminds me, I’m going to get my hair done tonight, so I have to decide whether to keep being Pink Hair Girl.
On the mend.
Stomach problems suck. Seriously. Yesterday was my worst day yet; I stayed home and basically spent the whole day on the couch in agony. I couldn’t even sleep from the pain. (Didn’t Kurt Cobain suffer from chronic stomach problems?) I went to bed expecting to feel the same today… but instead I woke up rested and nearly pain-free. I think my purple pills have finally started to kick in! I feel like I’m operating at about 90% (instead of the 50% I’ve been at for the past month). It makes such a difference.
Later: Okay, I’ve faded a bit. Maybe at 80% now. I’m really, really craving a Diet Coke but I know it’ll make it worse. (I’ve been on the wagon for 72 hours.)
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Thanks Kris. Didn’t know about the environmental stuff, thanks for that.
Simply that I was disappointed they chose to partner with and feature a technology that is actively making the world…
UK one never had either.
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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