• iBook in the shop again…

    Kickass. I just logged into Slashdot to discover that Apple have extended their Logic Board Replacement Program – and lo and behold, my machine is now covered! You’ll recall that I began having display trouble last year but the service guys claimed it was a bad monitor. Well, as soon as I verified that my serial number fell in the magic range, I hauled ass over to the Apple Centre Broadway to drop Boudicca off for repair. I’m now computer-less at home so I’ve got to use the Snook’s Linux machine. (It’s nice, but it’s just not lickable, dammit!) Unfortunately I was in such a hurry to get it there before closing that I neglected to check for recent e-mails. So if you’re expecting an answer from me, you may have to wait a while longer!

  • Medical Update

    So… A subluxated cuboid bone. That’s what the physiotherapist thinks I have. It certainly fits the symptoms. We ruled out the whole “plantar fasciitis” because my pain is on the outside of my foot, not the arch. I had a couple X-rays this afternoon to hopefully rule out a stress fracture. (There’s something unsettling about a medical procedure so dangerous that the technician has to stand outside the room while it’s performed.) In the meantime, I’m to keep it iced and lay off the running. The physio also showed me how to tape it up, while seems to help a little bit. I guess it’s back to weight training for the time being!

  • Busy Weekend.

    Busy Weekend.
    Saturday afternoon I had my second shift volunteering at the Cat Protection Society Op Shop. I was with the same old ladies as before – Robin and Barbara – and they mostly left me to tend the till while they sorted and priced donations. I had a good time though and the hours just flew by. I met an American guy who gave me some recommendations for our trip in November and I found a pewter beer stein that I knew the Snook would love. (He did.) So that was successful.

    Saturday night was the Lord of the Rings Symphony at the Sydney Opera House. Our seats weren’t great; we were sitting in the front row so we could basically only see a couple violins, cellos, and the conductor. The music was fantastic though. I got shivers when the flautist started in on the Hobbiton theme. The projected concept drawings were beatiful and helped remind you where the music came in the films (though they did look like they were put together using the “Ken Burns Effect” in iMovie). The second half featured Katie Noonan extensively and she sat right in front of us. (She’s the lead singer from george, an Australian band.) She was amazing. Really, really good. I loved her rendition of “Gollum’s Song” and “Into the West”. It was cool to see so many little kids sitting still for three hours at the symphony. I’m very happy that we went. (I’ll admit that I spent at least an hour watching this kickass lady cellist and thinking, “Why aren’t I a cellist? Can you study to be a cellist when you’re 27 or is it something you have to start when you’re 2? If I were a cellist, I’d wear my hair just like her…”)

    So… the Nike Women’s Classic was today, Sunday. That suuucked. Unfortunately my injury reduction plan didn’t work very well. I’d had a couple short runs this week without any significant pain, so I figured I’d worked through whatever was bothering my left foot. I started out the race in fairly good form, though I was disturbed that I seemed to be the only one wearing a terry cloth sweatband. (And I thought it was such a brilliant idea!) I was happy to make it to the drinks station (2.5km) before taking my first walk break. That’s when I noticed some slight achiness whenever my affected foot hit the ground. I pounded on… and it got worse with every step. By the 3.5km marker, I was gritting my teeth. I was getting shooting pains up my left leg. I started walking at 4km, thinking I could at least finish the distance that way. Within a few minutes, it became obvious that I needed to stop. I was worried that pushing on would lead to some sort of serious injury. So as I approached one of the race volunteers at the final turn back towards the finish line, I told her that I was hurt and I needed to take the shortcut back to the start. I’ve got nothing but praise for her and the rest of the race staff. She offered to have the medical staff come pick me up but I said I thought I could manage. I saw the Snook soon after, as he’d been watching for me with the camera. He knew what was up as soon as he saw me limping. I made it to the medical area and had a nice hairy paramedic check me out. He said that it could be a stress fracture, or it could be a torn ligament, or maybe it could even be a “spur”. He said that if an X-ray didn’t turn anything up, to pester my health fund for an MRI. Then he rubbed down my ankle and heel with some smelly Chinese balm and sent me off. Snookums and my other running buddies urged me to go collect my race goodie bag before leaving, but I felt like such a loser that I didn’t want to get any prizes that I didn’t earn. So I didn’t even get a medal this year. I hobbled back to the car and headed home. I’ve been putting more smelly balm on it all day, and I think I’ve pretty much isolated the source of the injury: the ligament below my left ankle that runs the length of my foot. If I point my toes, it feels like it’s just going to snap. I guess a visit to the sports physician is in order, huh?

    And on a related note, I have decided that running sucks and I’m never going to do it again. 🙁

  • People Falling Over.com

    People Falling Over.com – The only website about people falling over, by people falling over. I predict that this will be my sister’s favorite website of all time. She thinks people falling down is the height of comedy.

    On a sadly related note, I nearly wiped out again on my way home yesterday.

  • New Movable Type Licences

    New licensing terms for Movable Type have been announced, and they’re much more reasonable. Good on ’em. I still can’t see paying more than $20 for a piece of software myself these days (unless it’s an operating system), but this should make some folks happy.

  • Coolest. Bike. Ever.

    Coolest. Bike. Ever. A guy named Joshua Kinberg has put together the coolest bike ever: it sprays chalk words on the sidewalk behind you as you ride. It’s controlled by a PowerBook with a roaming wireless network, so people can send in messages as the bike is moving! Check out this video footage. He’s planning to ride it through New York during the Republican National Convention spraying anti-Bush slogans as part of the Bikes Against Bush protest.

  • Slang City Song Translations

    Slang City Songs: Translations of Popular Songs from Slang to Standard English. Very funny. My favorite so far is Sk8ter Boi, which helpfully explains that a punk is “a young troublemaker who reacts against authority.”

  • Another Hogwarts Scarf!

    Ravenclaw ScarfAs you can see, I’ve just finished an old-school Ravenclaw scarf as a commission for a nice Aussie girl named Kat. (Kat went with the “blue and bronze” color scheme from the book as opposed to the “blue and silver” from the movie.) The Snook was kind enough to model for me (as usual). It was knitted with Cleckheaton Country 8-ply 100% wool. Somehow my gauge was off from the last one I did, which resulted in a slightly skinner yet longer scarf. The dimensions on this one were 6″ wide by 76″ long (not counting fringe). That should keep Kat pretty warm throughout this winter!

  • Meteor!

    Holy crap. A meteor the size of a house crashed in southern New South Wales last night. That’s, like, an hour from Sydney! Weird stuff is always happening here.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!

  2. Ooh, lovely. I bought the script and read it, but it would have been amazing to see live!

  3. Incidentally we saw Giant last October at the Royal Court (with John Lithgow) which was a fascinating glimpse into Dahl…



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!