• UnJustified

    I was all excited to see Justin Timberlake at his “intimate” show at the Hordern Pavilion in Sydney in June… until I went to buy tickets and saw the price. $180 each! Good grief. Sorry, JT, but I wouldn’t pay $180 to see anybody.

    Update: Hmmm, it looks like the $180 is only if you miss out on the regular $130 ones that go on sale tomorrow. But jeez, even $130 is still too much for Justin.

  • The countdown begins…

    It’s officially 54 days til the Nike Women’s Classic. I’ve added a training log down there on the right to add a sense of accountability to my preparations. (Feel free to kick my ass if you think I’m slacking.) I’ve scheduled a session with a personal trainer on Monday. He’s supposed to be a running specialist so hopefully he’ll get me on track.

  • Simon and Jules win the Hothouse

    Simon and Jules win The Hothouse. Thank GOD. My faith in the Australian reality-TV voting public is restored. I was really worried that they were going to give it to that lazy, greasy, dole-bludging layabout Pete. I think it’s funny that the winning couple are contractually obligated to live in the house for two years. I bet that most of the votes for Simon and Jules came from the neighbors on Bribie Island. Two years of living next to Pete would definitely drag down the property values…

  • Weekend Update

    Weekend Update
    Three-day weekends are just glorious, aren’t they? It’s the perfect amount of weekend time. We had one day for socializing, one day for housework, and one day for hobbies. It was brilliant.

    • Friday night: Stayed up late to watch The Mummy on TV and work on my sweater.
    • Saturday morning: Took Amy to the vet for her last kitten vaccination. She whined and struggled the whole way there. Not fun.
    • Saturday afternoon: Workout time! Legs and biceps.
    • Later Saturday afternoon: Drinkies with friends. We got to see Mr. and Mrs. Healy for the first time since their honeymoon. I also partook of a hookah for the first time in my life. Apple tobacco tastes like candy!
    • Saturday night: Dinner at JuJu’s in King’s Cross with Andrew and Kathleen. It’s supposed to be one of the best and most authentic Japanese places in the city. You have to take your shoes off when you go in! At one point I got up to go to the bathroom and Andrew warned me about “weird bathroom etiquette.” My mind immediately flashed: “Ass towels!” But it wasn’t. Instead you just had to slip on these weird sports sandals to go in. The food was fabulous though. I ate fish egg udon! I just pretended that the little orange dots were spices instead of little fishy ova.
    • Sunday: House cleaning. Majorly. I even went through my clothes and picked out all the crap I never wear to take to the op shop. I also rearranged everything to put my summer stuff away. *sniff*
    • Sunday evening: I dug out my Handspring PDA and put fresh batteries in it. Then I installed this KnitAble software to keep track of my knitting. I catalogued my whole stash!
    • Monday morning: Knit, knit, knit. The Snook brewed beer.
    • Monday afternoon: Gym time again! Shoulders, triceps, and abs. And I ran 2.5 km. And the Snook brewed beer.
    • Monday night: Watched Queer Eye – How great was the Mullet Man? I loved him! – and finished my sweater! And the Snook brewed beer. Well, actually he stopped for a bit to play photographer. We ended up doing a little sweater fashion show. I’m really happy with how it turned out. (In case anybody is Googling, this is the Janetta Dexter Sampler Sweater from Jacqueline Fee’s The Sweater Workshop. I had to add a few extra designs to get the length I wanted.) I didn’t know drop shoulders looked so good on me! I am now the queen of two-handed fairisle knitting. The only problem is the thing is so damn warm I’ll only be able to wear it for one month a year. *sigh*

    Janetta Dexter Sampler Sweater   Janetta Dexter Sampler Sweater   Janetta Dexter Sampler Sweater   Janetta Dexter Sampler Sweater

  • Please sponsor Tricia!

    Hey, you! Need a little good karma? Please consider sponsoring Tricia in the Courage Classic this year. It’s a great cause, and if she’s going to spend three days killing herself on a bicycle, the least you can do is throw her some cash!

  • Addictive game

    Need something to keep you occupied Friday afternoon? Check out this addictive Flash game. I really suck at it.

  • Buffy on Angel finale… sort of.

    The Herald has some possible spoilers about Buffy’s involvement in the Angel finale. No, SMG isn’t appearing on the show, but apparently the Slayer will figure into the plot. (It’s kinda neat to hear that she’s still having adventures, like catching up with an old friend.)

  • Panther Maintenance Tips

    Maintenance Tips for Mac OSX Panther. I should probably do these over the weekend. I’ve been getting a weird problem occasionally when waking up from sleep where my desktop stays black. If I hit the power button and then “S” for shutdown, the desktop briefly lights up before shutting down. The Snook thinks I have some rogue process that kills the desktop.

  • Owning a Cat

    Owning a Cat
    Upside: We change our sheets a lot more often than we ever did before.
    Downside: This is because Amy occasionally leaves a smudge on the sheets after she does her morning poo. Ewwwwww…

  • War President

    You know those posters of Yoda made up of lots of little images from Star Wars? Check out War President, a portrait of President Bush composed of photos of all the American servicemen and women killed in Iraq. Pretty powerful image…


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!

  2. Ooh, lovely. I bought the script and read it, but it would have been amazing to see live!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!