I’ve made a little progress on Cheesylove, as you can see here. I finished the ruffle (casting on 1,008 stitches!) and I’ve just started the body decreases. Apologies for the bad picture; thick black wool is hard to photograph with a crappy camera. I’m using a 60cm-long 5mm wooden circular needle. (I’d have preferred an 80cm but it was all they had, and I like the wood.) I’m going to have to stop here, though, as I think I’m the only one that’s actually begun. My sister is understandably distracted by this whole “getting-married” business. I’ve got some other knitting projects to distract me though, like the Stitch and Bitch I’m hosting this Saturday. Fun!
And on a related note, my career as a knitting instructor has begun in earnest. Today I gave a lunch hour lesson to two of my co-workers. One of them “got it” immediately, but the other had difficulty with the hand coordination. It’s good to get practice in dealing with different kinds of students!
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