The “Medoza College of Business Gigot Center for Entrepreneurial Studies” on campus is hosting a contest that will award $20,000 to the student or alumni that comes of up with the best business plan. That’s right, girls. We’re all eligible! I wonder how I could turn into a money-making venture? 🙂
And the vagina controversy continues. The Observer even weighs in with an editorial.
The new ND Performing Arts Center, which is already, like, 12 years behind schedule, is being postponed for several more months while they re-design it a bit. When it’s done in 2003 it “will complete the DeBartolo quad, and contain a 900-seat concert hall, a movie theater, an organ and chorale hall and a studio theater.” Sweet.
According to the cops, only 18 students were busted at Benchwarmers… not the 50 previously reported. Which sort of answers my question about why so many students were at a crap bar on a Wednesday night.
As I was explaining to a friend last week, Britain’s stand on women’s reproductive rights kicks ass. Just yesterday some Conservative Baroness tried to ban over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill, which has been available here from pharmacists since January 1. The motion was soundly voted down 177-95. The Conservatives were claiming that by making the pill available they’d be giving teenagers a license to have unprotected sex. The Labour government pointed out though, that Britain currently has the highest teen pregnancy rate in all of Europe. The availability of this drug will hopefully help a large number of young girls who would feel uncomfortable to their family doctor for treatment. The real kicker? The teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. is still higher than the U.K.’s.
I’m back! The weekend was great… I’ll put photos up as soon as I get ’em developed. And hey! Blogvoices is back! Check out my stylish new design.
BLOGVOICES IS BACK! That means that we can have our little discussions again! Just click on the little “discuss” link to join in the fun.
No more posts til Monday… I’m off to Paris and EuroDisney! Have a great weekend.
Kel just IMed me to let me know that the Progressive Student Alliance is coordinating a “Speak Out for Vaginas” soon. I only hope they know that the perfect Crotch Queen and Emcee is our very own Kelly McMahon. I mean, check that out! I’m sure she could perform some inspirational speeches in those pants! Alumni will be quaking in their boots.
(Kel, consider this retribution for that little hacking incident a few weeks ago. Revenge is sweet.)
This one’s for my sister Amy: The Very Best of Daryl Hall and John Oates was released this week! Come on, who doesn’t love “Maneater”? Although personally I think my favorite is “Kiss On My List.” (Because your kiss, your kiss is on my list…) As I was posting this though, I suddenly realized that I had no clue which is Hall and which is Oates. So I went to their official site,, and clicked all over the damn place. But it doesn’t say! It wasn’t until I found my way to a British fan club site that I found an interview with Daryl that solved my dilemma. He (Hall) was the white guy. I can sleep now.