I’m almost embarrassed to post this…
One of my WW tasks this week is to sort through my clothes and get rid of all the too big, “just in case” stuff. So I was poking around in the underbed drawers today, and I pulled out a Notre Dame tank top completely *covered* in cat fur. Upon cleaning it off, I realized that it’s the same top I’m wearing in my “before” picture, the one I keep posted on the fridge and carry with me to meetings for inspiration. (Everyone I show it to refuses to believe that it’s even me. I look like a fatter, older distant relation.) Curious, I tried the top on and took a picture of myself in roughly the same sort of pose. And now, of course, you all want to see the comparison.

The “before” shot is from a barbecue in 2002 over at the Snook’s sister’s place. Pretty night and day, huh? Who knew that I had collarbones? I’m swimming in this top now. It’s stretched all to hell. In fact, it’s so loose that it probably borders on a little skanky, what with my bra occasionally poking out, but I think I’m going to wear it outside today anyway. Skank it up, baby! I’ve earned it.
After squash this morning, my bathroom scales read 83kg. I know that’s not an accurate reading, but it’s still the lowest number that thing’s ever given me. I’m excited.
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