Mac Users: What’s on your Dock? I found this fascinating. What’s with all these people anchoring it to the side? I’m very much a default bottom center person. I also liked seeing all the funky little applications people use. So come on, let’s see your Dock. I’ll take a screenshot tonight and post it when I get home.

Here it is. Hmm, I didn’t realize mine was so boring til now. From left to right that’s: Finder, Safari, BBEdit, iTunes, iPhoto, X11, Terminal, iCal, Mail, Launchbar, iChat, and Grab (which I had open to take the screenshot). On the other side is my Applications folder and minimized iCal and Mail windows. I’d customise it more but there’s not a lot of need. The apps in the Dock are the ones that get heavy usage and I generally use Launchbar to open anything else. I’ve got the bounce and genie effects turned on but I never use the magnification. It kinda creeps me out, the way they bulge out like that.
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