• I just jumped in on an interesting Glitter discussion about anonymity and blogging. As I’ve said here before, I like my visitors to know that I’m a real person with a real name and identity. Sure, this means I have to practice a little self-censorship every now and then, but I feel it’s a worthwhile trade-off. I also just find that I enjoy reading blogs about “real people” more. Just about every site on my links list down there is written by someone that I can identify by name and location. They’re my friends. Why would I want to read about someone completely name-less? As far as I’m concerned, that’s what novels are for.

  • FUN! I just had my first teppanyaki experience tonight. That’s where you all sit around a big grill while a flamboyant Japanese chef cooks your meal and performs as he goes along. It’s like an episode of Iron Chef live in front of you (except without all the naughty Bobby Flay standing-on-chopping-board grandstanding). It was for my friend Sal’s bachelorette party. I watched in amazement as our chef sliced and grilled and chopped and lit stuff on fire. At one point he handed out a couple bowls (including one to me) and then tossed raw eggs at us from, like, ten feet away. I am extremely proud to say I caught mine! We had prawns and chicken and steak and miso soup and vegetables. It was so fun. Highly recommended.

  • Just seen on a sign outside a nearby church: “NEO IS NO MATCH FOR JESUS CHRIST.” 🙂

  • Friday Five:

    1. What brand of toothpaste do you use?
    The Snook and I recently began sharing toothpaste for the first time, and since he’s the pickier one we go with what he likes. It’s “Macleans”, I believe. He likes it to be actual paste (not gel), and he hates spearmint flavor. I can live with that.

    2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer?
    Again, I’m not bothered. I usually just grab what’s on sale. When he does the grocery run, the Snook usually gets something nicer (he likes quality) or the recycled brand (when he’s feeling enviro-conscious). I like the idea of the recycled one, but the last time we had it I suddenly made the connection between the “Planet Ark” brand on the package and the “Planet Ark” that does the commercials asking people to send in their Christmas cards for recyling every year. Somehow it just feels a little wrong to wipe your bum with somebody else’s Christmas card.

    3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear?
    I love cheap-ass Payless shoes. Seriously. I have no shoe-brand loyalty, and with cheap shoes you can try out styles you might not normally wear. (Case in point: the chunky black 40’s style heels still sitting in my closet that I bought but haven’t found an occasion to wear yet.) My running shoes appear to be Asics, but that’s just because it’s what the salesman handed me.

    4. What brand of soda do you drink?
    I wish I could say Mountain Dew. Nowadays, though, it’s Diet Coke all the way. I’m addicted to the stuff. I’ve become one of those girls.

    5. What brand of gum do you chew?
    Wow, do people actually have gum brand loyalty? I don’t really chew it on a regular basis, but when I do it’s just whatever I happen to pickup. My favorite used to be Strawberry Extra, but you can’t get that here. Again, I have to avoid the spearmint if I want the Snook within a three foot radius of me. 🙂

  • New Poll: Are you properly hydrated?

  • I’ve been making a conscious effort lately to hydrate myself properly. Today, for instance, I’ve drank 1.5 litres of water and it’s only lunchtime. I feel great, except for one little thing… I have to go to the bathroom every hour! It’s annoying. I don’t have a tiny bladder either; I used to pride myself on never leaving a movie or having to stop too often on long car trips. I nearly burst during X-Men 2 this week though! So will it always be like this, or will my body somehow get used to it? (I know caffeine is a diuretic, but I haven’t had any so far today.) How much water do you drink a day?

  • Trivia Update: After a two week hiatus, “Six Standard Drinks” made their triumphant return tonight. We won! Personal highlights were knowing all the US States that start with “M” (courtesy of the alphabetical song I learned in elementary school) and that Tom Hulce and Kenny Baker starred together in Amadeus. There was a guaranteed bonus jackpot of $500 but we fell one point short. (We knew which state Colby Cheese originated in though.) Your questions: Name the six nations of the world that have produced undisputed world heavyweight boxing champions in the 20th century. Name the four countries that have won the most gold medals at Winter Olympics. And lastly, if you take the second star to the right and head straight on ’til morning, where do you end up?

  • The Snook and I finally saw X-Men 2 last night. It rocked! I was surprised afterwards to realize that my favorite mutant is now definitely Mystique. [Spoiler alert from this point on!] She’s smart, she’s sexy, she kicks ass, and she’s not afraid to be herself. Yeah, sure, she’s a villain and all, but I’ll take her over Halle Berry any day. I had a few questions though for you fan-boy types: What exactly was up with the metal Mystique injected into the security guard? How did it get past the scanner? Also – why didn’t Iceman freeze the dam before it ruptured? Wouldn’t that have given them more time? (I don’t think it would have helped, but the Snook disagrees.) And who was the big guy that covered himself with metal? Why isn’t he a grown-up X-Man? Is he just an older kid? Lastly, what was up with that Lady Deathstrike chick? We haven’t seen any other mutants that have “duplicate” powers, but evidently it’s possible. We saw that Stryker was controlling her with his weird acid stuff, but it seemed to wear off on Cyclops pretty quick. Why couldn’t Wolverine do the same rather than killing her? Maybe she could’ve been redeemed.

    I think I’m going to have to see it again…

  • I’ve been following the Kathleen Folbigg story with some interest, and I was relieved today to see she was convicted of murdering all four of her children. What a horrible tragedy. All four died as babies and the defense tried to argue that they could’ve all died of natural causes, but there was evidence of suffocation in each case. Oh, and she, like, confessed to the whole thing in her diaries and then had to try to explain that away in court. Not a wise move.

  • I’m so, so happy that folks are still protesting this Hillbillies show. Kickass. Time to send another letter to CBS, methinks…


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!