• Evil

    How evil are you? I am depressingly good. Name that movie quote: “I’m Bad Ash. And you’re Good Ash! You’re little goody two shoes, little goody two shoes…” (Link courtesy of a fellow goody-goody.)

  • No, SMG!

    Now even Variety is reporting that SMG is officially leaving Buffy. She’s such an idiot. Even at its worst, Buffy is fifty times better than any movie role she’s had to date. I hope they go with a Faith spin-off…

  • Connected

    Hooray! The Snook e-mailed to say that our home internet connection has been fixed. Regular posting will resume shortly!

  • MJ

    Okay, so we watched “The Micheal Jackson Interview: The Footage You Weren’t Meant to See” last night. The tone of the show was set early when the host walked out and I groaned. “Who’s he?” asked the Snook. “Maury friggin’ Povich,” I answered. “He was Jerry Springer before Jerry Springer was Jerry Springer.” In other words, journalistic integrity did not seem to be a priority. (What, Geraldo wasn’t available?) Anyhoo, over the next two hours Povich proceeded to show us questions and bits of the interviews that were left out. I have to admit, Micheal did seem to have a point. Bashir gave every impression that he (like the rest of Jackson’s entourage) thought Jackson was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Bashir praised Jackson for his parenting abilities and sympathised with him about unscrupulous tabloid journalists. I can see where Jackson would’ve been shocked at the tone of the final edit.

    The show also included a number of interviews with people around Micheal Jackson: his parents, his make-up artist, etc. I was most interested in Debbie Rowe (his former wife and the mother of his children). I kinda wanted to see how she’d justify the whole “giving my babies to Micheal Jackson” thing. Turns out that I actually kinda understand her reasoning. He was her friend and he wanted kids, so she had them for him. I’ve jokingly made similar offers to gay friends in the past. So I can kinda see that. Overall Rowe came off a lot less weird than I expected.

    As I summarized below, the overall impression I had after the show was, yeah, Martin Bashir is sort of a jerk, but that doesn’t mean Micheal is any less weird. In fact, some of the extra material they showed made him sound even more wacky. (“The chimps help you clean the house? Sure, Snow White.”) I also liked the bit at the very very end, where Povich read some statement from Bashir that he really liked Micheal and he’d never seen him do anything illegal. It was so obviously such a “See? It’s not libel!” moment. Way to cover your ass, Povich.

    (You know how you’re supposed to add “… in bed!” to the end of your fortune cookie fortunes? Well, I inadvertantly invented a new version of that game for use with this show. It was during an interview with Jackson’s makeup artist and she was all, “Bashirs will come and go, but Micheal… He will live forever.” And I snorted, “Yeah… in his hyperbaric chamber!” It was really funny at the time. You can tack it on just about every soundbite in this stupid show for added amusement. I recommend it.)

  • Internet issues

    Sorry for the extended silence. We’re having some problems with our home net connection and I can’t post. (The nerdy explanation: Whenever we go to a page that requires HTTP authentication – i.e. a password – the proxy dies and we get locked out of the site for ten minutes.) So yeah, the Snook’s working on it. Rest assured that I’ve got a huge backlog of stuff to discuss, including last night’s TV special: “The Micheal Jackson Interview – The Footage You Weren’t Meant to See.” (My quick two-second summary: “Just because Martin Bashir is a bit of a wanker doesn’t make Jackson any less freaky.”) I know you’re all breathless with anticipation…

  • Sock Monkeys Galore

    Sock monkeys galore!Well, the Walk Against Want was today, and unfortunately yours truly was too sick to take part. I don’t think this amoxycillin is doing the trick. Anyhoo, I still plan on tackling the distance (15 km) on the treadmill as soon as I’m able. To thank my three sponsors, I spent the day crafting sock monkeys for them. Aren’t they cute? They’re actually much better than the first one I made for the Snook (but don’t tell him that).

  • Peace Rally

    Holy crap! This French news site linked to my pictures from the peace rally.

  • Domain name change

    Please note if you were using the old web-goddess.co.uk URL that that domain name has finally expired. You can update your bookmarks to web-goddess.org. Thanks!

  • Best of 2002

    I just realized today that I’ve had Jeff’s “Best of 2002” mix CD sitting on my desk for weeks. I popped it in and… it’s fantastic! You should beg him for a swap if you haven’t already. For me it’s like having my own kickass personal music guide to point out stuff that never makes it over here. (How did I miss this new Flaming Lips album? I’m loving this “Fight Test” song!) Plus Jeff always puts tons of effort into designing his jewel cases and labels, which makes you feel special for receiving one. Thanks Jeff!

  • Beading

    Beaded Jewelry

    Last week I went to an “Introduction to Jewelry Making” workshop at the Bead Company near my house. I made the necklace, bracelet, and earrings pictured here. It was pretty much straight stringing; nothing as complicated as I’d already done with the flower necklace. But I learned how to use wire and crimps to make sturdier jewelry with nicer clasps. The necklace and earrings both use crystal-cut hematite and pink glass beads, while the bracelet is made up of funky cut glass and shiny silver spacers. I had a lot of fun at the Glebe Markets today checking out the price that similar stuff was going for. I saw earrings exactly like mine for $20! I can now make the same pair for $2. I’m never going to overpay people for stuff I can make myself again.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!