I had a big long rant here about the Pledge of Allegiance and how I sorta agree that “under God” shouldn’t be in there. (There was also a big random digression about the Notre Dame fight song too, but let’s not discuss that.) But now my righteous indignation has faded away and I don’t feel like ranting anymore. It’s difficult to discuss “serious” stuff in this forum, you know? I can argue that stuff with my friends, but when I put it out in public I just end up getting flamed by random assholes. (Case in point: the e-mail spam deluge continues seventeen hours later. Ten e-mails every five minutes. I must’ve pissed somebody off.) So I’m a little tired of seeing people (including myself) ripped on for posting their opinions. What do my fellow bloggers think? Should we allow harassment from strangers to prevent us from posting serious stuff? Or should we just stick to the links and memes?
Pisces buddies!!
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