Weasel Football Update: The girls managed a 0-0 tie against BP this week to improve their record to 2-0-2 (I think). The defense remained impressive with multiple sacks and interceptions, but the offense just seemed to stall at crucial times. They’re looking into adding some new plays to shake things up. The Weasels are almost certainly guaranteed a playoff berth now, but they’ve still got one crucial game to go: the Off-Campus Crime this weekend. So, HEY, you Benedict Weasels playing on the OC team… (and YES, Erin Place, I’m looking at you). Just REMEMBER where your true loyalties are, okay? Now I’m not saying you should throw the game or anything. Just think about who you’re lining up against, okay? We all bleed purple underneath. Once a Weasel, always a Weasel… Know what I’m sayin’? 🙂
Finals Week
ND is looking into using a wacky new Finals Week schedule for next year. Personally I always liked the 4 day break… There was plenty of time to go skydiving, bar hopping, and road tripping. 🙂
ND is starting Matt LoVecchio, a true freshman, at quarterback versus Stanford this weekend. He sounds good, but I don’t see what all ESPN’s stats about previous freshmen starters have to do with anything. So what if the last three have won their first games – the last one was in ’87, and a helluva lot of things have happened since ’87.
Follow the money.
So that stupid Generations campaign thing raises over $1 BILLION for the University… and Monk says we’re still gonna have budget problems in the next few years? Where the hell does all that cash go?!
Bored now.
It’s official. There’s nothing interesting in the Observer today.
Congrats, Kel.
Kelly McMahon’s Double Life: It seems that our very own little Napoleon has been holding out on us… Kelly won the Lottery! It sounds like she and her husband Dave (Whoa! Where did that come from?) will be putting that $19 million to good use. *grin*
A girl is suing Duke University because she claims she was cut from the varsity football team (she was a placekicker) because of her gender. Interesting.
One song, Glory
WHAT? RENT is coming to South Bend?? Good Lord… I remember when Lizzie almost drove me nuts playing “Glory” over and over sophomore year. Of course, that was before I saw it five times in four different theaters (in two countries).
Sorry to flog an almost-dead horse, but more on T-Shirtgate: the Observer agrees with the SMC Board of Governance’s actions.
Weasel Football
Weasel Football News: We’re still 2-0-1 heading into a crucial game against Walsh. And who are these coaches? They’re cracking me up. “I like to compare our defense to that of the ’85 Bears,” PW coach Tony Baldea said. “Kelly Dries reads the offense like Mike Singletary and pulls flags like Otis Wilson.”