• Monkey Bread

    Monkey breadAs the weather gets colder here, my urge to bake kicks in. Yesterday I got a hankering for monkey bread. (Hey, even Cindy Crawford likes it!) Unfortunately they don’t seem to sell any kind of pre-prepared bread dough at my grocery store, so I decided to make it from scratch. I’d never even done a yeast bread before! My only previous yeast experiment was pizza dough (and I think we all remember how that went). But I persevered. I kneaded and I mixed (“Thanks, Stickmaster!”) and I pushed and I pulled. Eventually I got the damn thing in the oven. It actually turned out quite tasty, but there was one crucial flaw: it fell apart! The little balls didn’t stick together! I don’t know if my dough was too floury or what. Snookums thought it was great, but he’d never had it before. He didn’t realize that it’s not supposed to be a mound of individual cinnamon balls, but rather a cohesive loaf. It’s good to feel appreciated, though.

    Sidenote: Bread is so damn labor-intensive! I don’t think I’ll be doing this very often. I’d rather pay a dollar for a loaf than spend three hours tending a big pile of goo.

  • I just received this from a friend. You’ve probably seen it already, but it gave me a chuckle.

    When Mark Shuttleworth (that very rich space tourist) returns from
    space, everybody dress in ape suits. Pass it on.

  • My newest web project, Purple Weasels.org, has finally launched! It’s so fun to see people using this thing that I have created. I think it’s a pretty good “community” site overall. I had originally planned on using phpWebSite for it, but I found myself spending most of my time turning off parts of the thing that we didn’t need. It was too huge and unwieldy for our purposes. Then one day, while doing my workout at the gym, I had a total epiphany and decided to rewrite the entire thing myself. It turned out even better than I expected. Now I’m wondering if maybe other people would be interested in it. I could write some documentation and package it up… Of course, I haven’t even gotten around to posting GoddessBlog yet, so don’t hold your breath. 🙂

  • Following his report on usability for kids, Jakob’s now come out with one on usability for senior citizens. Very interesting stuff. And as he notes, it’s the one user category we’re all likely to join someday. As you might expect, bigger text is the number one priority for older surfers. Hmmm, in OmniWeb my text sizes nicely up and down. Can you test it out in your browsers? Does anybody have any problems?

  • Hey, Mac fans: Slashdot now has a dedicated Apple sub-site. You can get all your Apple news in one place! It’s even got a so-shiny-you-want-to-lick-it Aqua theme. Nice.

  • Ebert only gave Spider-Man two-and-a-half stars. Oh, and he insinuates that Peter Parker is impotent. Great. This movie is going to be completely ruined for me by the time it actually comes out here.

  • I just realized that Spider-Man isn’t coming out here til June 6th. I guess this is the karmic payback for seeing Attack of the Clones so early.

  • Ooh, just in time for Mother’s Day! Get Mom a haunted paintbrush!

    That’s insane. Props to Tara D for finding it.

  • Pop Quiz: In the past week, the Snook and I have bought two new devices for our apartment. These devices were named “Stickmaster” and “Thrustmaster” respectively. Can you guess what they actually were? (Get your mind out of the gutter. They’re not dirty!)

  • Sophie Dahl is trying to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps by penning a children’s book. Hmmm, I wonder how they’ll work “nude Yvs St. Laurent model” and “Mick Jagger’s crumpet-o-the-month” into the jacket blurb.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!