Apparently having Bono as a character witness was a good defense strategy. Peter Buck got acquitted of those air rage charges. I’m not sure if I believe his “non-insane automatism” excuse, though.
Pisces buddies!!
Apparently having Bono as a character witness was a good defense strategy. Peter Buck got acquitted of those air rage charges. I’m not sure if I believe his “non-insane automatism” excuse, though.
Kristen Dunst is not dating Tobey Maguire. Thus spake Yahoo!. Apparently the Tobester can cry on command, though, which doesn’t do a lot to dispel the “freak” image I have of him.
I found a possible job! Cross your fingers for me…
That last post got me thinking about “The Frug” and how I haven’t seen his show in ages. So I hit Google and found out why. Whoa. Am I the only one who didn’t know about this? There’s even a “Jump the Shark” page devoted to the show. I’m in total shock here.
The Chicago Sun-Times gets in on the Nigella Lawson love-fest. Are British chefs sexier than American ones? (Personally, I always had a crush on Craig, the Frugal Gourmet’s hot young assistant.) Martha Stewart fans might be amused with the “Nigella vs. Martha” comparison chart at the end of the article. Nigella, for example, is “deep conditioner” to Martha’s “hot glue”. My favorite? Nigella: “Dresses as if she loves men.” Martha: “Dresses as if she loves horses.” Hee!
An Australian police officer was shot in the head and chest last week while chasing down a stolen car. They eventually caught the four guys who did it, but the cop died yesterday in the hospital when his family decided to turn off his life support machines. The suspects had their charges upgraded to murder today. Here’s what I don’t get though: how is it murder if they didn’t actually kill him? I’m not arguing on their behalf; it just strikes me that a savvy lawyer might be able to get them off a murder charge on this technicality. Or am I just totally confused here?
A rare culinary success!
Last night I tried my hand at one of the classics of American cuisine: the venerable meat loaf. And guess what? It turned out great! Well, it wasn’t the best looking thing ever, but it tasted good. I need to stick to the basics, I guess.
My Blogger CD Swap mix is done! Granted, the “summer” theme is a bit tenuous (I just put songs by all the bands that were big in December/January). I relented on my “No Kylie” rule, so she’s in there. I think it’s pretty good, actually. I’m a little nervous about sending Americans a mix of all foreign stuff, but I guess if they volunteered for the project then they’re open to it. I hope they all like it!
The Ladies Home Journal ranked the “200 Best Cities in the U.S.”. And guess what, Marci? Fort Wayne, Indiana didn’t do too badly! South Bend and Gary, though, didn’t fare so well. The Bend actually scored lower on the “low crime” chart than Gary did! How did everyone else’s cities rank?
I knew a guy in my hometown named Dave Park. He named his firstborn son “Fenway”. True story.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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