is there a Vanna in the house?: i know i’m jumping on the ‘blogwagon again with this one, but you have to hand it to ’em—this was a pretty good prank to play on Dubya’s new drones. (Posted by Brigita.)

ATTENTION SEX CAMELS! Unfortunately BlogVoices, who provided us with our fun little discussion area, is closing permanently. I’m looking for an alternative solution right now. Stay tuned for further details!

New song I’m obsessed with: “Sitting Down Here” by Lene Marlin, an 18-year-old Norwegian girl. Great voice, nice poppy melody, and a sort of almost country twang to it, if you can believe it. And it’s got lyrics that are fun to sing. British radio is great.

Josh Kirley proposes a “Thug League” for all the college football players and teams that don’t care about classes or education. He thinks this is the only way that schools with student-athletes (like ND) can compete with each other fairly. Pretty funny and sarcastic.

Salon wonders when Japanese “dancing” videogames will finally strike it big in the States. They’ve actually got them here in the UK and they’re amazing to watch. Every time I go in Funland in the Trocadero, the same two Asian kids are there in the middle of a circle of admirers workin’ it. They’ve even got extraneous bits worked out to dazzle the crowd – touching the floor, leaping over the bar, and spinning on the buttons. I don’t think I could ever do it myself though. Way too embarrassing. I did play Parappa the Rapper on Playstation though, which was fun. I lived with a guy from Hong Kong who had all the best bootleg Japanese games. Too bad all Americans want to play is Quake and Super Tecmo Bowl.

AICN reports on the “Harry Potter” movie and the rumored regional differences. Basically, the original book was called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” but we Americans are dumb and don’t like to buy books with words like “philosopher” on them. So they changed it to “Sorceror’s Stone” and switched a few references in the text for the U.S. version. The movie will also go by the two different titles, but it will be the exact same film and use the word “philosopher” in the dialogue. Get it? Whew. As long as they get everything else right, I don’t mind.