“The IBM PC was created by people who drank alcohol. The Mac was created by people who smoked pot.” Hee hee!
This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…
“The IBM PC was created by people who drank alcohol. The Mac was created by people who smoked pot.” Hee hee!
Ebert’s Oscar picks are up. As I’m in two different pools and I’ve only seen, like, three of the movies, I need all the help I can get.
It’s Indian summer… and it’s St. Patrick’s Day. Are any of you Northern Hemisphere-ers feeling my confusion? My head’s going to explode.
ND lost to Duke, but it sounds like it was a great game. At least more people will realize that Notre Dame doesn’t live and die by its football season. (Actually we do, but we don’t like everybody else to know that.) 🙂
Yes, Brigita, I decided to give the dreaded yoga another shot. This class was a million times better than the last one. There were a bunch of us newbies, and since it was the “new moon” (or something), our instructor took it really easy on everybody. We did a lot of stretching and poses. I really surprised myself with my flexibility (I’ve been doing a lot of stretching with my regular workout). So I could bend, but I’m still not very strong. “Downward Dog” remains my nemesis. I can only hold it for about three seconds before my arms start shaking with the effort of keeping me from nose-diving into the floor. But for the most part I kept up, and I felt really good afterwards. I might just make this a weekly occurance!
Trivia Question: Can you name five countries that end in the letter “r”? No cheating and using an atlas! It took the Snook and I about five minutes to puzzle them out. Three are easier, but the last two are hard. I’ll throw out some hints if no one gets them.
One last post for the day… CONGRATULATIONS TO RON AND CINDY! Yep, my dad’s getting married today!
Notre Dame blew out their first round opponent… but now we face top-ranked Duke. Hopefully St. Paddy’s day will give us some Irish luck!
How cute! I just went to my “My Yahoo” page and noticed a little birthday cake icon up at the top. Yahoo wished me a happy birthday! And they even have a page that tells you all about the other stuff that happened on your day.
I’m not going to be answering the Friday Five this week, since it’s all about animals and most animals scare me. So my answers wouldn’t be that interesting. In fact, you’d just make fun of me.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…
so funny hhh
Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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