Those of you who enjoyed Microserfs might find this little article amusing. Cult of Bill, indeed. I know I found it funny to see a technical journalist berate himself for asking a personal question, salivate over Bill’s immense mental talents, and report everything the great man ingested from his dinner plate. Geez.
Disney music
Bill brought these new Disney Limited Edition DVDs to my attention. And if, uh, Santa is listening, I wouldn’t mind having the Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony ones. 🙂
Hooray! My hot spoiler tip was again wrong, but I randomly put 10 points on Carl… so I’m not dead last anymore! Go me!
Ever wonder where “Fighting Irish” came from? That link reminds me of the time my friend Crawford (who can usually be found leaving comments on TD’s site) brought an exchange student over to our dorm room during the middle of an away football game. We were all watching on the TV and trying to explain to this South American girl what the hell was happening. Then she asked the inevitable question about our school nickname. Undaunted, Crawford grabbed the phone and dialed the Reference Desk at the library. The little old lady couldn’t give her a definitive answer, so rather than simply let it go at that, Crawford pressed on with the conversation. “Are you watching the game? What was up with that call?” And the poor woman was forced to try to explain pass interference. It went on for some time. I believe Crawfy called her several times over the subsequent years, usually to ask about whatever game was on just then. That woman probably hated us.
Robin Hood was apparently secretly gay. Hey, if my lover went by the name “Little John”, I’d probably keep it a secret too. 🙂
As a present to myself for being so diligent with the pre-move preparations, I bought one of the greatest DVDs of all-time yesterday: Bring it On. I can hear you now: “What’s that, w-g? A cheerleading movie??” My sister said the same thing til I made her watch it last night and she loved it. And it stars Jesse Bradford (who is my new high-school boyfriend) and Eliza Dushku (Faith from Buffy). I even watched it again this morning with the director’s commentary, which is pretty damn funny by itself. Bring it On is the poo… so take a big whiff.
What? Gilderoy Lockhart will be played by… Kenneth Branagh?? Didn’t see that one comin’.
Pisces buddies!!