Depressing. I just did a quick count on my Last Searches page and determined that out of the last 100 Google searches that led to this site, 82* of them were of a pornographic nature. 82%, folks. Is that what the Internet is all about? Ugh. I feel dirty. Time to shut down for the night, methinks.
* You might count them differently. I included any search that mentioned “Lolita” in a non-academic context in the count, as well as any search mentioning one of the Hilton sisters. (In my experience, every search related to them is sex-related.) I didn’t, however, count the people looking for dodgy software cracks, which is just as disgusting in a different sort of way. And I didn’t count several vague searches for “goddess”, although the original intent of those searchers is open for debate. So really I could’ve said that, like, 90% of the searches I get are of a prurient or immoral nature. Great.
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