I’ve been meaning to blog this for ages. Have you guys seen the Titanic Super Slide? I first learned about it last year when my Dad reported that they had one at the County Fair back home. It’s an actual giant inflated Titanic ship, half sunk in the “water”, that you climb up in order to slide down the “deck”. Just like when those wacky Irish steerage passengers did it in the movie! Isn’t that fun, kids? I couldn’t believe it. In the end I chalked it up to Indiana bad taste. (Not that we Hoosiers have nothing but bad taste, but hey, we elected Dan Quayle.) But guess what I saw here in Sydney at Fair Day a few weeks ago? The damn Titanic Super Slide! Am I the only one that finds the concept of turning a historical tragedy into a children’s fairground attraction appalling? What’s next, the “Leap from the Hindenburg Bungee Jump”? The “Escape the Black Plague Haunted House”? *shudder*
Pisces buddies!!
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