Did I mention that the navel piercing (redux) didn’t work out? Well, it didn’t. See, the first time I had it done in 2000, it never healed properly and eventually got infected. I took it out and it left a little funny scar. A few months ago I had it pierced again, in the hopes that it would cover up the former damage. This one didn’t get infected, and in fact, I thought it was healing quite well. A few weeks ago I was drying off from a shower and noticed something odd: the little bit of flesh that the ring goes through was getting thinner. I could actually see the ring through it. It’s like my body was rejecting the metal and just pushing it right out. Eventually it got so thin I just pulled out the ring. I don’t get it. I suppose I might have rolled on my stomach in my sleep and somehow pulled on it, thus causing it to stretch out, but nobody ever warned me about that. I guess my body just doesn’t want to be pierced.
Pisces buddies!!
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