Sonofa… After meeting up with the Snook in the city today, I wandered into Grace Bros. (big department store) to look for a new winter coat. I found this great brown suede one lined with wool. I paid for it, got all the way home with it, and only then realized that the dumb saleslady forgot to take off the security tag. I’m afraid that if I try to do it myself it’ll explode with dye or something. (It doesn’t look like one of those tags, but what do I know.) So now I’ve got to go all the way back to the damn store tomorrow and see if they can fix it. What a pain in the bum…
Update: It’s fixed now. I had to go back to the store, but they were fairly apologetic about it. Turns out the old lady that served me yesterday also forgot to tear off some vital UPC tag that they need to keep. I’m standin’ there like, “Has this woman been given ANY training??” Moral of the story: always check your stuff when you leave the store, kids.
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