• You Mac users might be interested in knowing that Kung-Tunes has had some major updates. This is a little application that grabs song information from iTunes and uploads it to your website. It now handles (up to 50!) recent tracks and has loads of new options. If you scroll down the page, you can see where I’ve used it on the right under “listening”. I definitely recommend it.

  • RDF

    Aren’t college students funny? I’m referring to the assclown from the University of Newcastle in the UK who thought he would be really clever and insert “punny” names onto my Trivia Master Board. Unfortunately for him I have to manually vet each name, so you won’t find “I.P. Freely”, “R. Sole”, “Ivor Biggun”, “Mya Butreaks”, or “Roger Ring” on my list. I fear the youth of tomorrow.

  • Funky Chicken Pincushion

    Funky Chicken PincushionsCutest. Craft. Ever. I’ve had this Funky Chicken Pincushion pattern bookmarked for ages, and last night I finally decided to give it a try. They’re really easy to make. (The hardest part was getting the squares, uh, square.) I did them on the machine, but you could probably hand sew them too. I stuffed them with leftover quilt batting and sewed on buttons for eyes. Aren’t they so friggin’ cute? I have a ridiculous urge to make about fifty and sell them at the hippie market on the weekend. They’d make awesome Christmas presents.

    Sidenote: I was just going to embroider the eyes until the Snook pointed out that there’s a button shop just a couple blocks from our house. I’m like, “How can anyone run a business that only sells buttons?” Curiousity piqued, I scampered off to find it. Turns out it’s called “All Buttons Great and Small”, and it really does just sell buttons. There are big ones and little ones and shiny ones and ones shaped like farm animals. I loved it. I wanted to possess all the buttons. Am I turning into Martha Stewart or what?

    UPDATE: The link to the original website with the pattern doesn’t work, so I wrote up what I could remember from memory here. Please don’t e-mail me saying you can’t find it!

  • Not only is the long-awaited “Best Of R.E.M.” CD coming out next Fall, but the band will begin a world tour in 2003. Looks like you European bastards are first on the schedule. Hey Max, you wanna meet up in the U.S. and see them? 🙂

  • Today’s Flash Fun: You have to try this weird Japanese game called Roomania that the Snook found. I had no idea what the instructions say, but basically you’re presented with scenes from a person’s house and you have to click on these little tiny people hidden in the picture. There’s a counter at the bottom that tells you how many you have left before the timer runs out. You can zoom in too. (Tip: play it with the sound on. The little guys yell at you if you mouseover them.) I’ve tried like ten times and I can’t get past level three, while the Snook claims he finished it on his third try. Come on, one of you guys has to be able to beat him…

  • I’m too happy to write in a clever way, so I’ll just spell it out: I GOT A JOB! I had the interview this morning. (I didn’t mention it for fear I’d jinx it.) I start next Tuesday! That’s right, after 431 days I will finally be returning to the 9-5 grind. Seriously, you guys, this is a major boost to my self-esteem. Now the sun is shining and so am I. Go me. 🙂

  • What’s the title of the story? You know, the science-fiction story about the school kids in the future in the place where it always rains and then one day out of, like, every 50 years the sun comes out? And they lock a girl in the closet and she misses it? Well anyway, Sydney is like the reverse of that right now. I woke up in the middle of the night wondering what the strange noise was. It was rain. It’s been drizzling all morning too. I can tell our flowers and plants are just soaking it up. It’s so weird to see puddles in the road. It’s odd to me that this weather condition – which was the frickin’ norm in London – is now so foreign to me. Moral of the story? Don’t take your rain for granted.

  • Holy crap, Netdeciders! I just discovered that everyone’s favorite ginger-haired gimp has a weblog! (Check out the e-mail address if you can’t figure out his identity.) How did I miss that for so long?

    Updated: Also check out this, this, and this. Maybe we should start a webring or something. 🙂

  • omphaloskepsis: contemplation of one’s navel as an aid to meditation

    That’s my new favorite word. Wouldn’t it make a great title for a weblog?


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!