Cutest. Craft. Ever. I’ve had this Funky Chicken Pincushion pattern bookmarked for ages, and last night I finally decided to give it a try. They’re really easy to make. (The hardest part was getting the squares, uh, square.) I did them on the machine, but you could probably hand sew them too. I stuffed them with leftover quilt batting and sewed on buttons for eyes. Aren’t they so friggin’ cute? I have a ridiculous urge to make about fifty and sell them at the hippie market on the weekend. They’d make awesome Christmas presents.
Sidenote: I was just going to embroider the eyes until the Snook pointed out that there’s a button shop just a couple blocks from our house. I’m like, “How can anyone run a business that only sells buttons?” Curiousity piqued, I scampered off to find it. Turns out it’s called “All Buttons Great and Small”, and it really does just sell buttons. There are big ones and little ones and shiny ones and ones shaped like farm animals. I loved it. I wanted to possess all the buttons. Am I turning into Martha Stewart or what?
UPDATE: The link to the original website with the pattern doesn’t work, so I wrote up what I could remember from memory here. Please don’t e-mail me saying you can’t find it!
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