• Recursive Portrait

    Recursive Portrait. Well, my mind is officially blown for the day. (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Hoaxes

    Can you sniff out the Hoax Photos? I got 9 out of 10 on the first level, and 7 out of 10 on the second. I was a little confused at times, though, whether it was the image or the caption that I was supposed to be judging. I think it’s just whether you think the image has been altered.

  • The Snook sent me a link to, like, the weirdest Flash movie ever. It’s sort of a tribute to Mario Brothers. I liked the music, but the “potty break” bit is a little gross. (<nerd>I played Super Mario Bros. so much on the original NES that I could defeat the game without dying once.</nerd>)

  • Thursday we got the Survivor clip show, which – by my reckoning – means we’re still one week behind the U.S. Right? Good grief, I’ll never be able to avoid the final episode spoilers. I should just give in now.

  • The new issue of Knitty is out! I am filled with knitting inspiration and excitement. Oh, and fear too. Check out this article about the Sweater Curse. Basically it states that if you knit anything for a man before you’re married, you’re certain to break up. I was laughing at it until the author mentioned how making a Dr. Who scarf for her boyfriend led to the demise of their relationship. *gulp*

  • Congratulations to my friend Martin, who left our old company Netdecisions today. I think he was just about the last of my friends still working there. Good luck with the new job, Martin!

  • The Snook and I are off today to Homebake, a big Australian music festival. Hopefully I’ll have some good pictures for you afterwards.

    Later: Well, that was fun! I didn’t see any bands that made me shake my booty, but we heard a lot of new stuff and enjoyed being out in the sunshine. (Yes, Moms, we put on lots of sunscreen.) The festival was in the Domain, which is a park basically in the center of the city (as you can tell from the skyline in the photos below).

    Snookums     The city and Harbour Bridge in the distance

    Me and Snookums

  • Gryffindor Scarf

    Me modeling the Gryffindor scarfSpeaking of knitting… It’s done! Yes, that’s me modeling my very first Harry Potter house scarf. (Don’t worry, Sis; it’ll be winging its way to you shortly.) It took me about two weeks to finish. It was knitted double-wide and then folded over and sewn (to avoid having a “wrong” side). That means it’s double-thick and warm as hell. It also ended up a little bit longer than I intentioned… It’s over six feet. (Though the ones in the film are clearly pretty long too.) Here I’m wearing it doubled over and tucked through the loop. Click here to see a larger version and another of me with it just tied.

    Avid fans of CouchCam might have noticed that I recently started a second scarf. Here’s the surprise: It’s not intended for anyone yet! In other words, if you want one, I’ll make you one. You’ll have to cough up a little bit of cash though, and I can’t guarantee I’ll have it ready by Chrismtas (in fact, I definitely won’t), but if you want it, just drop me a line. I may even do more than one if there’s interest. (I can, of course, do colors for the other Hogwarts houses too.)

    Doubled up   Tied

    (The second one is darker because I had to stand farther away from the camera to get the whole length in.)

  • Which is nerdier, that I’m A) entertained by a discussion of Fibonacci sequence knitting patterns or B) planning to knit a Dr. Who scarf for the Snook? I know, it’s a toss-up.

  • Take the Snopes Christmas Quiz. I scored a measly 40%. I know jack about Christmas.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!