As my Mom reminded me today, my Thanksgiving Dinner recap is running late. It’s just that I’m still cleaning up the aftermath! I should finally be done with all the dishes tomorrow, so expect something then. 🙂
Pisces buddies!!
As my Mom reminded me today, my Thanksgiving Dinner recap is running late. It’s just that I’m still cleaning up the aftermath! I should finally be done with all the dishes tomorrow, so expect something then. 🙂
Can you tell your arse from your elbow? I can’t. I only got 9 out of 14. (Link courtesy of Fredo.)
Mia – whose site I don’t visit often enough – has been posting her requirements for a husband. Some of these cracked me up, and some I really identified with. Here are my favorites:
Actually I may have to revise that last comment, given that my guests are arriving in less than 24 hours and I still haven’t vacuumed…
We didn’t start the fire… That amused me. I need to learn Flash.
As he was leaving for work this morning, the Snook noticed that the postman had tried to deliver a package to us. We haven’t been expecting anything, so it was a surprise. I took the card and went to pick it up while I was doing all the food shopping. Guess what it was? The American food I’d ordered – and cancelled – earlier this week! So yeah, technically that’s Thanksgiving Incompetence, but seeing as how it means I’ll get real American pumpkin pie, I’m in a forgiving mood. Praise Baby Jesus! 🙂
Thoughts on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:
I’m also happy to report that Rodd picked up on the fact that Hermione and Harry are clearly not romantically interested in each other. “Girls don’t hug boys they like. Even I know that.” Isn’t he smart?
Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve had this old episode of The Brady Bunch going through my head all day, where the family dress up as Pilgrims and stuff and act out the first Thanksgiving. Am I insane here? Somebody back me up, please.
You know my favorite part of Thanksgiving? The day afterwards. It was a yearly tradition that my sister and I would go out shopping that morning and battle the crowds with my Mom. We’d always stop at Michael’s Craft Store and pick up some of their plaster Christmas tree ornaments. Then it was back home to paint them. I always tried to do mine perfectly, while my sister (who was the better artist) would always get a little too creative and start painting tributes to our dead dog. (I’m totally serious.) My brother, bless his heart, tried really hard, but he just didn’t have the patience. Eventually we’d get tired and start begging for the Christmas tree. That’s right; we’d put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving. It was a fake tree, but a really nice one. (Nowadays I don’t like real trees so much. They’re always too prickly and sappy and needles get everywhere.) So we’d put it together and then start hanging all the old ornaments, moldy construction paper Santa Clauses from scout meetings and beaded Christmas wreaths. Finally it would be done, and if there was any snow we’d don Dad’s coveralls and haul our sleds up the hill in the backyard. Once we were sufficiently cold and wet, we’d come back inside for leftovers. I can picture it right now. I’m not sure if there ever was one day that we did all those things, but in my mind they all run together anyway. Too bad it takes being really far away to make your appreciate your family, huh?
Big hugs to everybody…
At long last, it’s Harry Potter Day! Only ten hours to go. Sadly, I’ve accepted that the scarf will never be done in time.
I am so embarrassingly out of the loop. I just finally heard this Avril Lavigne chick and I am now obsessed with this “Sk8er Boi” song. (I cringe just to type that title.) Who the hell is she? Is she just a “punkier” Britney? Do you think less of me for listening to this stupid song ten times in a row? I’ll get over it, I promise.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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