• Dreamlog

    Ugh, this one was awful, folks. I dreamed that the Snook had to propose to his ex-girlfriend in front of all our friends and family. (I can’t remember the reason, but in the dream it sadly made perfect sense.) He gave her this big giant square-cut diamond ring and she answered “Maybe”. Afterwards he didn’t understand why I was so upset and humiliated. I woke up in tears. After the usual post-nightmare snuggling and comforting, the real Snookums cracked me up with: “You’re not allowed to watch The Bachelor before bed anymore.” Indeed.

    (Disturbing sidenote: The ex-girlfriend in my dream was played by Kristen! I must have some severe repressed bridal envy goin’ on.)

  • Girls only: This Glitter thread just blew my mind. Sea sponges!

  • From the “New Staff” section of this morning’s edition of Unnamed-Printer-Company’s newsletter:

    KRISTINE HOWARD has joined the E-Business Team in the role of Web Content/Site Administration. Kris’s favourite hobby is her newly learned skill of knitting. Kris is a self-confessed computer geek and enjoys messing around with computers, writing code, and working on her own Internet sites.

    I think that’s a pretty accurate profile, except for the missing sentence about my pub trivia prowess. (Damn space constraints.) And no, I don’t think you need to see the accompanying mug shot. *shudder*

  • Happy Dyngus Day! As South Bend, Indiana has a large Polish community, every year they’d throw a big Dyngus Day celebration. So be sure to have a sausage today and throw some water on the one you love!

  • Australian television is airing the infamous UK coughing episode of Who Wants to be a Millionaire tonight. It looks like we’ll be the first place in the world to see it!

  • Scarves Galore

    Scarves Galore
    The Easter Crafting Marathon continues. I’ve finally finished my red mohair scarf, which you can see below. The other two are scarves I’ve made in the last couple weeks.

    Snookums and the Rock Star Scarf  Me and the Red Mohair Scarf  Blue-green Mohair Scarf

    First you have Snookums modelling my “Rock Star Scarf”, which is knitted out of Faux Fur. It’s this crazy yarn with lots of little hairs sticking off it that actually looks like fur once you knit it up. (Let me warn my fellow knitters: It was insanely difficult to work with. You can’t see any of the stitches so if you drop one, you have to start all over.) The second and third scarves are both made of mohair, which is incredibly soft and fuzzy and beautiful. I did the blue-green one first as a gift for my Dad’s wife Cindy, and I liked it so much I got the red to do my own. Pretty nice, huh? They’re both about six feet long and six inches wide. I can’t wait to wear mine outside (if it ever stops raining)…

  • In memory of Dr. Atkins, Rodd and I will be eating his pancakes and syrup today. Yep, actual Atkins brand! They were sent to use for Easter by my Dad and Cindy. Such a cool gift. Although, the first thing I saw when I opened the box was… PEEPS! There were Peeps lurking in my house all along! Luckily we had four tipsy guys in the house last night who were more than willing to scarf down some weird marshmallow birds. (We even showed them the trick of putting one in the microwave.) Ahh, good Easter fun.

  • Trivia Update: Despite kicking ass in the first round, we dropped to third by the end of the competition. Whatever. We did manage to win 4 out of 5 mini-jackpots though, with yours truly coming up with two. (I correctly identified “Robert Carlyle” as the star of “Ravenous” and “The World is Not Enough” and the song “3 AM” as the source of the lyric “She says it’s cold outside and she hands me a raincoat.”) Question of the night: What are the first five books of the New Testament?

  • Well. Michael Jordan retired again. Isn’t this, like, the eighth time he’s done that?


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!