The Snook is going to love the Nit-Pickers Guide to The Lord of the Rings. It details every significant change from the books to the movies.
Pisces buddies!!
The Snook is going to love the Nit-Pickers Guide to The Lord of the Rings. It details every significant change from the books to the movies.
I’m feeling the Apple love again since they launched their Logic Board Repair Program. Of course, my faulty iBook doesn’t fall within the accepted range (and I don’t think it’s a logic board issue anyway), but it makes me happy to see Steve and Co. doing the Right Thing here. I’m also enjoying watching all the Apple-haters backpedal in the ensuing Slashdot thread. Please pass the Kool-Aid!
Which Western feminist icon are you?
My result: You are Gloria Steinem. You are the McDonalds(tm) of liberal feminism, though you used to expouse some pretty radical ideas, you ended up working the system. Because it’s easier? Maybe. But thanks for the only mainstream feminist magazine and for heading one of the most significant feminist lobbys in the history of the US. We wouldn’t be where we are without NOW and Ms., as much as some of us are loathe to admit it.
I guess that’s all right, though I wish it was a little less negative. I think I only got her because I identified as “married.”
My co-worker Martin is getting married tomorrow. As soon as I entered the office this morning, he called me over and asked desperately, “Do you know any websites with instructions for folding napkins into fancy shapes?” Yes, he asked me this twenty-four hours before the ceremony. So I did some quick Googling and turned up this page of instructions. They’re actually pretty neat! He said he’s trying to decide between the cardinal’s hat and the rose. All I know is, if I walk into that reception hall tomorrow and see 300 napkin cardinal hats, I am going to lose it.
World traveler, my ass. According to this site, I’ve only visited 5% of the world countries. (That’s 13, to be exact.) Most of ’em were in Europe, and quite a few were mere airport stopovers. See, I told you I’m not really that interesting.
I discovered a useful site today called It’s got a lot of “plain-English” computor tutorials. I particularly liked: Passwords Made Easy and Database Design from Scratch. I’m still going through the rest of the site…
Wow, a pickled dragon! That reminds me of the dragon “fossils” I saw for sale in Birmingham a few years back.
The smugness of the County Spelling Bee Champion.
Ha! The next time I get into an argument with someone who calls me a “Spelling Nazi”, I’m going to point them to this NYT article. Summary: Dumb eBay sellers list items with misspelled titles. Smart buyers find the items, buy them cheap, relist them with correct spellings, and sell for a tidy profit. I repeat, HA!
Holy crap! Our cherry tomatoes are finally coming ripe and we’ve got too many of them. I just picked about fifty and there are plenty more still green. I’m thinking of making some homemade salsa. Anybody got a good recipe? Actually, do you have any other ideas for what to do with them? Suggestions welcome, as otherwise we’ll be eating nothing but salad for the rest of the summer!
It’s that time again! The Oscar nominees have been announced and the web-goddess Oscar Contest 2004 starts today. First prize is, of course, a sock monkey. (If you already have one of my sock monkeys, a doggie will instead be offered.) Current predictions can be seen here. Only one entry per person and you can’t make changes, so only enter once you’re really sure! But then again, entry date is the ultimate tiebreaker so you don’t want to put it off too long. Good luck!
Special thanks to my friend Mardi of soulcreative who designed the awesome logo for me. She’s a designer. You should hire her.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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