• Geek Nirvana
    Oh yes. The Snook and I will be extras in Star Wars, if I have to lie, steal, cheat, or even kill to get us in. (Can you tell I watched Gone With the Wind last weekend?) How frickin’ cool would that be? I’m sending in our details right now.

  • The five worst live rock performances ever. Actually that’s a weird list. Four out of the five are in Australia, which made me think that it was strictly an Australian list. But then they throw in Oasis at Wembley (which is in England), which throws the whole thing into doubt.

  • The big news Down Under today is that a major pharmaceutical company has lost its license and has sparked the biggest medical product recall in Australian history. Check out the list of products. They make just about every generic vitamin supplement on the market! In fact, newsreaders tonight found it easier to tell us which products weren’t being recalled rather than go through the whole list of ones that were. Apparently the investigation was triggered when a lot of people suddenly reported bad side effects from an over-the-counter motion sickness pill: “Some people were very, very ill and tried to jump out of planes and off ships because of the hallucinatory effect it had.” Yikes. I’ve checked through our supply of vitamins and thankfully we’re all clear. Hooray for Blackmore’s!

  • The current Ask Yahoo! is all about learning to knit, if you beginners need some help.

  • Woohoo! And we have our first Big Brother scandal of the year. Apparently one of the sixteen housemates had to pull out of the show minutes before it started, while another has been revealed to have quit the police force in disgrace after allegedly “exposing” himself.

  • Big Brother 3 has started, and yours truly has volunteered to be a forum moderator. I have no idea what my duties will entail. I like the idea of putting the smack down on 13-year-old snivelling AOL trolls though!

  • Belated Friday Five:

    1. What was the last TV show you watched?
    At the gym tonight I caught the premiere of “My Big Fat Greek Life”. Confession: I never saw the movie the show is based on. I meant to, and up til tonight I was planning on renting it. But given how dumb the show looked (even with no sound), I can’t say I’m eager to run out to Blockbuster and pick it up. (And has anybody else noticed that Nia Vardolos has seriously gone orange?)

    2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem?
    It’s been raining here for two weeks straight and I’ve been complaining about it constantly. Yeah, yeah, we’ve had a drought for the past year so I shouldn’t bitch, we need the rain, yadda yadda yadda… but it sucks. Especially when you don’t have a clothes dryer and your ability to have clean laundry depends on nice sunny days to dry things on the line. Needless to say, I’m now on a first-name basis with the Chinese laundry lady around the corner.

    3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
    It was the Snook. I told him he smelled like a baby this morning. I mean, in a good way. It’s weird. I know all his fragrances: laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, aftershave… and somehow it all mixes up with his weird little pheromones and ends up smelling like the top of a baby’s head.

    4. What was the last thing you threw away?
    The foil wrapper from a chocolate Easter rabbit. I obtained it by nefarious means, actually. It was on my desk at work as a present from our “Social Club”, but I quit the Social Club three months ago. I even checked my paystubs and I definitely haven’t been paying the $8/month fee. They must not have gotten the memo though. Don’t bother telling me to confess. I’ve already eaten the evidence. 🙂

    5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
    Glitter. I’m on there a lot lately.

  • Grrr. The Snook’s latest home brew just set off the fire alarm. We didn’t even know the damn thing worked. It took us five minutes of yelling at each other and whacking at it with broom handles to get it to stop. Stupid high ceilings…

  • I was telling a friend about my running program this past weekend and she suggested I consider entering the City to Surf this year. It’s a 14K course starting in the city and ending in Bondi Beach. Thousands of people do it, but a lot of them just walk. I’m thinking about it. It’s ambitious, to be sure, but I definitely wouldn’t expect to run the whole thing. It might just be good to have as a training goal so I don’t get complacent with my 5K runs. What do you guys think? It’s not til August so I’ve got a while…

  • One Eighty
    The Snook and I went into our local Flight Centre today to price flights home for a 10-day visit in July. We walked out half an hour later planning a one-month round-the-world trip instead. As the Snook put it, if we’re going to be spending $2000 each anyway, why not go the extra $500 and make it a proper holiday? I was trying to be all grown-up and economical but then he mentioned the magic word… Italy. With visions of the Arno in my head, I rapidly agreed. Looks like the Snook-Howard World Tour will be leaving here in late June bound for Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Frankfurt, and Rome. Anybody got a floor we can crash on in one of those cities?


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!