Somewhere in Newtown there is Seth Cohen graffiti. I must find it.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Whoa! Now there‘s a positive. I’ve lost a total of 47 pounds… which, according to this calculator, would be worth nearly HALF A MILLION DOLLARS in gold. So I got that goin’ for me.
I’m basically the same as I was two weeks ago. I’m trying very hard to see the positive in that.
Random Knitting Pattern: Felted Fortune Cookies! I’m really just bookmarking this so I can remember it for the next Tapestry Craft newsletter.
Max has a great post about funny school mascot names. I think the Cornjerkers might be my favorite school nickname in history. I’m just sad they’re not from Indiana!
Is anyone else really excited to see if Wal goes during tonight’s Biggest Loser? No? Just me then? (They’d be fools not to vote him out.) I’m officially barracking for Kristy and Ruth to win it, though I think Kristy has a much bigger chance.
How to Play Piano. EXCELLENT. The Snook and I have discussed getting him a keyboard for his birthday this year since he used to play piano when he was younger. I’ve always wished I could play myself… so I just may give this tutorial a go!
Huh? How did I not know that the World Pooh-Sticks Championship was on this weekend? I’ve won a few rounds of pooh-sticks myself, actually. (Oh my God. Those pictures are from when we were living in London. Look how fat I was! Or rather, don’t.)
You know how when you’re around somebody who’s really sick, you kinda start to feel sick yourself? Leanne’s got a vicious cold and I could feel my head start to ache just looking at her. Poor thing! We sent her ass home.
This Ask MetaFilter thread has given me lots of good ideas for additions to my running playlist.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
We have the Harold McGee book, v interesting and often useful. Right up his alley I reckon!
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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