• Little Johnny

    MetaFilter has a post about John Howard’s anniversary of 10 years in power today. It’s pretty depressing, except for the hilarious insults people keep leveling at him.

  • Welcome Nurgul!

    If you saw a strange person on CouchCam this morning, that was our new cleaner Nurgul! She’s Mongolian. (Why does “Nurgul” remind me of Garfield? Wasn’t the cute kitten named that?) I’m excited to see what she did. I was there for the first bit, showing her around and doing last minute tidying. (Yeah, we cleaned for the cleaner. But mostly it was just piling up the important stuff so she knew what she could safely chuck.) It’s really weird leaving a stranger in your house. I was also having middle class guilt over paying an immigrant to clean my house, til I remembered that she’s getting the same per hour rate I am. *sigh* I’m in the wrong business.

  • Trail Note

    “I’ve got a fever… and the prescription is MORE COWBELL!” I did another long run tonight (as mentioned below), all the way to Centennial Park, around the jogging track, and back home. My time on the track was exactly the same as last week – 26 minutes. I felt a lot better this time though. My breathing wasn’t as labored; I was going slow but I felt like I could go on forever. The best part of these long runs is that I finally get to hear the ends of Max’s mixes! There I was chugging along tonight to this vaguely Latin sounding percussive mix, when a light bulb went off in my head and I nearly fell over laughing as I realized what the voice was singing over and over. (It was the aforementioned line about cowbell.) Well done, Max. And well done me!

  • Rockin’ the haircut

    Can I just say: what with my new trousers and all I am doin’ this haircut a hell of a lot more justice than Sienna Miller is. PUT ON SOME PANTS, WOMAN!

  • Bounceometer

    Oh dear god. I just ran for an hour-and-a-half and I’m sore enough as it is. I don’t need to see what I just put my boobs through! *shudder* That is disturbing.

    Later: Actually, what’s more disturbing is the Snook’s reaction to these bouncing breasts: “You know, this Flash technique they’re using is really interesting, because Flash doesn’t really have a way to process images to distort them on the fly, so…” And it became a whole discussion. Surprising.

  • CityRail Remixed

    Boing Boing‘s been doing this thing lately where people send in transit maps from various cities with all the names replaced with anagrams. It was only a matter of time before somebody did Sydney. So, where do you live? I used to catch the train every morning from Wont New to What Noll, back when I worked near Wry Steed.

  • Viggo in Sydney!

    Ten seconds after the Snook got off the bus this morning I had to ring him to tell him that apparently Aragorn is in town. Wow, Viggo Down Under. I bet he’s going to write some wonderful poetry after he gets home.

  • DietBlog

    Not to twenty just yet. Crud. I actually accompanied Miss Fee to my old city WW meeting last night and weighed in there, but they said I’d gained 400g and that’s just ridiculous. I mean, honestly! Something is wrong with their equipment. So I stepped on the scales tonight at my real meeting and it turns out I lost 100g. And given how much hair I had cut off last Thursday… I’m gonna call it even. I’m trying hard not to get de-motivated though. (What? It’s a perfectly cromulent word!) Last week was a randomly difficult one for me mentally, so to get through it without a gain is probably a victory. I also had the weekend temptations of Steph and Eva’s housewarming (where I was on best behavior) and Deb’s housewarming/birthday party (where I was, um, not). I’m just going to try to stay positive. Some scared little group of neurons lurking in the back of my brain doesn’t want to get to goal, and I can accept that. Being not-fat is a big leap. I’m going to give myself all the time I need to adjust.

    But to end this post on a positive, I dragged the Snook over to the Broadway on Sunday to watch me try on six different pairs of size fourteen pants. AND THEY ALL FIT. I bought three pairs. The cashier was like, “Are you starting a new job?” And I crowed, “No, I just lost a lot of weight and nothing fits me anymore!” I’ve worn new pants two days now and people are actually noticing my size even more. (I guess because I’m not hiding it.) And if I do say so myself… my bum looks fantastic. 🙂

  • DOOL Recap

    Hooray! There’s a special Days of Our Lives recap for charity over at TWoP. And it’s from a corker of an episode during the whole “Marlena is the Salem Stalker” storyline…

  • Idiots.

    A customer from New Zealand just e-mailed the shop asking about a product that we sell. It’s in stock and visible on our website. So what did they want to know? If I knew of anywhere local in New Zealand they could get it. WHAT? It’s not like I don’t do the Miracle on 34th Street thing when I can, directing people elsewhere for stuff we don’t stock. That’s cool. But to ask me about something we have in the store and then have the cheek to ask for a recommendation for somewhere else to buy it? I’m just in awe of the sense of self-entitlement of some people… (On a related note: Did I mention the lady who got annoyed that we didn’t have the fabric that she was supposed to pick up and demanded that we let her use the phone to contact her sister – IN BRAZIL?)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.







Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!