• Pugs in Hats

    Oh, dear GOD. Pugs in hats. I think this one’s my favorite. (We’re cat people, but I just know the Snook is going to love this. Funny animals crack him up.)

  • Serenity Recap

    TWoP have posted a Serenity recap and, though the author’s writing style sounds a little weird to me, it’s neat to read about the movie from the point-of-view of a serious Firefly fan.

  • DietBlog

    I’m soooo close to a major milestone. I lost another 800g to bring me to 19.2kg lost in total. I want to get to 20kg so badly. My BMI is currently 25.5, so I only need to lose another kilogram or so to put me in the healthy bracket. Do you understand how momentous this is? It’s like the horizon is rushing up to meet me. In one week, maybe two, I WON’T BE FAT ANYMORE. Oh sure, I’ll still have a pudgy belly and my jogging speed will still be laughably slow, but no matter what anybody says to me, I won’t be overweight. The little family jokes about Kris being chubby that I’ve been hearing for ten years? Not anymore. Feeling ashamed whenever some crappy tabloid news show does a story on the “obesity epidemic”? Not anymore. Automatically reaching for the largest garment on the rack? Not anymore. I feel like I’m in freefall here and it’s a little scary. When did this happen? When did I turn into somebody who’s not me? I’ve actually had experiences in the past few weeks when I’ve been hanging out with people bigger than me, and I’ve gotten a shock when going to the bathroom and catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I’m used to changing my hair but I’m not used to changing shape. Today I wore pigtails and I suddenly became obsessed with how big my head looks on my now-skinny neck. Do I have a bobblehead? You guys would tell me, right?

    All exhilarations and anxieties aside, I had a great laugh at WW tonight. Our topic was “putting myself first,” which is the habit I have the least trouble with, quite frankly. I have no kids or family to support here. You’ve read my blog. I’m always first. But anyway, we were supposed to talk amongst ourselves about our plans for “putting ourselves first” this week. My discussion partner had, like, the best quote ever: “Well, I haven’t been exercising much lately – you know, because of work stress and, well, I’m being stalked – but this week I plan–” And I’m like, “WAIT. You’re being STALKED?” Which, you know, SCARY and all, but also hilarious within the context of the boring talks we usually have. If ever you need to justify hanging around the house, stalker avoidance is one of the best excuses you can have.

  • Bill Clinton

    Chrystalla went out to lunch today and came flying back thirty seconds later: “Kris, come quick! Bill Clinton is next door in the R.M. Williams shop! Here, take my camera phone!” I dropped everything and ran, but alas, Bill had vanished. There were a lot of people milling about and some large SUVs on George Street, so perhaps I just missed him. Damn. Moblogging a picture of me shaking hands with Bill would’ve been too cool.

    Later: Holy crap, it was him!

  • Spence wants to knit

    Ha! I just read Adam Spencer’s interview in the guide where he mentions wanting to knit some fractals for this year’s Knit-In. So I went to the ABC 702 website to leave a comment about it… and it looks like Mary-Helen beat me to it! Nice one. 🙂

  • Giant knitted bottle cozy

    How come I never get commissions to knit things like giant Suntory bottle cozies?

  • Poor otters!

    Yet another reason why you should keep your cats indoors.

  • More Chili

    Saturday morning the Snook and I joined his mom, sister, and nephew on a visit to the Rozelle Markets. We bought Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary for the amazing sum of $5, and I found a copy of The Magic Pudding. Our real haul, however, came afterwards when we stopped at Herbie’s Spices. The Snook’s been wanting to hit this shop for ages. We got chipotle powder, saffron, dukkah, fenugreek… heaps of good stuff. And today he used the chipotle to make me Ron’s Blue Stater’s Texas Chili. YUM! He actually used the beer brewing pot, he made so much chili. Our freezer is now full of it. The best part is that we worked out that it’s only, like, two Points per ladleful! Now if only I had some light sour cream…


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.







Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!