• Festival of Carbs

    I’m still sick… It’s moved from my nose down into my throat and lungs. My voice started out rather husky this morning and got progressively raspier all day. The last time this happened was when I spent all night camping out for Phantom Menace tickets. (For those of you that have seen the news footage, I sound exactly like I did that morning when I started croaking and raving like a psychopath about Han and Leia.) Snookums is now experiencing the extremely rare and rather unsettling phenomenon of Non-Talking Kris, as I’m going mute in the hopes of preserving a little voice for work tomorrow.

    But in somewhat brighter news, my legs and feet are finally adjusting to standing all day. I took Amy’s advice last week and got myself a pair of Kumfs. They’re not the sexiest shoes in the world but they make a world of difference.

  • Go Earnhardt.

    “On Sunday NASCAR car racing champion Dale Earnhardt said that he had taken his buddies to see Fahrenheit 9/11 and that ‘it’s a good thing as an American to go see’.” Wow. I’ve never been a big fan of NASCAR myself, but Earnhardt Jr. sounds like an intelligent guy. Maybe it’s time to rethink the stereotypes.

  • Ker-CHUNK.

    Apologies for the lite blogging of late… My computer hardware woes continue. Boudicca froze up on me a few days ago so I did a hard reboot. Within seconds loud clicking noises were emitting from the hard drive. Crap. I couldn’t get her to boot up properly, not even off the OS X CD. In rode the Snook to the rescue. He downloaded and burned some sort of “Linux rescue disk” and was able to boot me up from that. He then proceeded to back all my crap up over the network. (I’m the worst backer-upper ever.) Then he performed some computer voodoo that resuscitated my OS from the dead. Apparently the problem only occurs when the hard drive starts up, which is why I was getting the problem on booting up and waking from sleep. So now I’ve got it set to never let the hard drive sleep. As I understand it though, it’s only a matter of time before the drive dies altogether. I’m strangely ambivalent. It’s been a good run. The iBook has lasted nearly three years, so my Apple Care (if I had it) would be running out soon anyway. I’ve given some serious thought to having the Snook fit me out with a kickass Linux machine, but there are still a few things holding me back. Despite all the problems and frustrations, there are still so many things on the Mac that “just work.” I like how easy it is to transfer my photos and make movies and scan pictures. I know I can do all those things in Linux, but it wouldn’t be so seamless. Not to mention the fact that we’d have to do some serious tinkering to get my iPod – which is still going strong – to work with it. So it looks like a new Mac is in my future. I wonder if the new iMacs will be headless…? Hmmm.

  • Cat Quotes

    Amy pointed me to this hilarious list of cat quotes. Some of them struck me as particularly applicable for life with Dr. Amy Jones:

    • Anything not nailed down is a cat toy. Everything else is a scratching post.
    • A cat is always on the wrong side of the door.
    • I don’t mind a cat in its place, but its place is not in the middle of my back at 4AM.
    • I want a cat with a snooze button.
    • IT’s HARd to tYpe wHILe holdINf a Cat.
    • To a cat, “NO!” means “not while I’m looking”.

    I’m dreading the day this week when we have to try to worm her for the first time. (The vet’s done it every time before.) We’ve got this syringe of goo that we’re supposed to squirt down her throat. It’s gonna be a bloodbath.

  • Sick and tired.

    Sick and tired.
    Just finished my second week at the new job… and I’m sick as a dog. I started getting a sore throat yesterday at work and now it’s turning into a full blown illness of some kind. I’m all hot and muddle-headed. I’m terrified that my wicked tonsilitis from last year will return and I’ll have to have them removed. Anybody have any good home remedies for warding off a throat infection? Bonus points if it doesn’t involve me gargling anything particularly nasty.

  • Fahrenheit 9/11

    Just got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 at a special preview. It was completely sold out. Never seen anything like it. Too late to write any more… and besides, I want to have this absentee ballot request form in the mail tomorrow.

  • What’s your ideal job?

    What’s your ideal job? Mine is an “Animal Therapist”, and Snookums is a “Monkey Impressionist”. Seriously. Actually those two kind of go together… (Link courtesy of Max the Human Shield.)

  • Self-patterning socks

    Self-patterning socksFinally, another finished object: self-patterning socks for Mom! I used Opal Sockenwolle that I got from Knit-It in Beecroft. As all the previous socks I’ve knitted are too baggy to be worn with shoes, I tried to make this pair a bit smaller and tighter than normal. I can just get them over my chubby feet which hopefully means they’ll be appropriately sized for Mom. The only problem is that I’ve still got a substantial chunk of wool left over… and I’m not sure what to do with it. Maybe wrist warmers?

  • Tiki Head Tissue Box

    I was just surfing my sister’s online wedding registry when I saw that she had requested this Tiki Head Tissue Box. *snort* That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I want one!

  • Like, whooooaaaaa…

    Pretty trippy. (Link courtesy of Matthew, who suggests ingestion of drugs for proper viewing experience.)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.






Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!