1. What’s your favorite piece of clothing that you currently own?
Hmmm. I’m not sure if it counts, but I love my panda shoes somethin’ fierce.
2. What piece of clothing do you most want to acquire?
A month or two ago I would’ve said a knee-length suede coat with (fake) fur at the collar and cuffs. Every girl in Sydney was wearing them this winter, yet every one I tried on was about three sizes too small. I can’t help it; I’ve got broad shoulders. So I gave up on that dream. Nowadays my clothing aspirations aren’t centered on any one specific garment. I’m all about getting down to a size 14 so I can shop in the damn frilly girls’ stores. I hate everything in their windows (it’s all pastel gypsy crap right now), but I hate even more the fact that even if I wanted to wear it, I couldn’t. So that’s what I want.
3. What piece of clothing can you not bring yourself to get rid of? Why?
It’s corny but… my high school letter jacket. I never wear it – in fact, I hardly ever wore it in high school, and it currently resides in my Mom’s basement – but earning that thing was a dream come true. You all know I was the big brain in high school. That’s all the more reason why I wanted to prove I could do something other than that. I wasn’t the greatest tennis player ever, but dammit I earned those varsity letters. (Although, if some greater power offered me the choice to trade the jacket for the body I had back then, I’d do it in a heart beat.)
4. What piece of clothing do you look your best in?
I had to ask the Snook. He says it’s my short black skirt and my long black calf boots. What a cheeky monkey.
5. What has been your biggest fashion accident?
Just check out any of my school pictures up until about 10th grade. Seriously. If it had stripes, or patches, or ribbons, or huge embroidered teddy bears, I probably wore it at some point. Of course, then I passed it on to my sister. 🙂
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