• Psychological Test

    This is a story about a girl. Her mother dies and while she’s attending the funeral she meets a man. She’s never seen him before in her life, but she feels an instant connection and falls head over heels in love with him. A few days later, this happy girl kills her own sister. What was her motive?

    If you said “She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again”, congratulations! You’re a psychopath. The Snook, I am happy to report, is not a psychopath. My own results were inconclusive, as my manic tendency to speed read and skip ahead meant that I read the answer before I’d even finished the question. So in other words, even if I am a psychopath, I’m a crappy haphazard one. 🙂

    (Yeah, yeah, I know the whole thing is crap. I did find it on Snopes. I just thought it was amusing though.)

  • Hooray! After nine long months in the 56K wilderness… We have ADSL again! No more crappy dialup connection. Surfing the web is a joy once more – which means you can probably expect a lot more posting. 🙂

  • “Take heed, my friends, of this tale so thorny. / Woe is the student of Law so horny!” Best. Poem. Ever. Seriously, Claire is brilliant.

  • You know that episode of Friends where Monica teaches Chandler how to appreciate a bath? Well, I’ve been doing that with the Snook. Our new house has this big, deep, old-fashioned claw-footed bathtub that’s so long I can stretch my legs out fully in it. It even came with this groovy little brass shelf/basket that sits across the middle to hold your Diet Coke and chocolate. (Well, really it’s for soap, but my way is more fun.) Anyway, as you might imagine we’ve both been taking way more baths than usual since we moved in. I’m personally a big fan of the LUSH bath ballistics, which make the water all fizzy and perfumed. Some of them even have rose petals and seaweed and glitter in them! Of course, the Snook being a manly fellow, he has – up until this point – refrained from polluting his bath water with all the crap I seem to find necessary. Today that all changed, though, when I brought home a “Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds” Bubble Bar. I demonstrated to him that you just break off a chunk and throw it in the running water, and voila! You have mounds of big fluffy bubbles to play in. He didn’t realize he’d come out smelling of patchouli, though, til after he’d been soaking in it for nearly an hour. Tee hee. 🙂

    How do you like your bath? Or are you a shower person?

  • The hot glow of electric sex in the window...Looking for a unique gift for that special someone? How about a Leg Lamp? Yes, seriously. You can even customize the stocking, shoe, and lampshade to complement any decor. For an extra fifteen bucks, they’ll stamp “FRA-GI-LEE” on the side of the box and enclose a “Major Award” certificate. I know what my old man’s getting for Christmas this year! 🙂

  • Wow, this Baby Name-O-Meter is pretty cool. Enter your name and you can see its popularity graphed over the last century. Kristine seems to have appeared out of nowhere in the 1940s, peaked in the ’70s (when it landed on me), and it’s now in decline. Now I’m totally curious about its origins. Was there some famous World War II chick named Kristine that everybody copied? (Link courtesy of Gael.)

  • Dum Dums

    Go vote for your favorite Dum Dum flavor. I think the poll is pretty much academic, though, since everybody knows that Cream Soda is far and away the best. Sour Apple is pretty good too, though. (Link courtesy of fellow Cream Soda-lover Max.)

  • Lance in Space

    Lance in Space Mix CD CoverLance in Space!
    At long last, I present to you my magnum opus. Twenty-two space age songs with a heap of surprise sound effects. I even threw in a robot! The artwork and complete track listing are now online for your perusal. (If you’re one of my swappees, you might want to wait so as not to spoil the surprise.) Oh, and see if you can spot the monkey!

  • Shell shock.
    Did I mention that I’m trying out all the classes at my gym? Well, I am. I got inspired last week and took in a session of Body Pump, which nearly killed me. It’s basically synchronized weight lifting to music, and even though I used the least amount of weight possible I still couldn’t walk for two days. I did it again later in the week and it went much better, though. I’m gonna keep doing that one. Then on the weekend I tried out Pilates, which I thought was BORING. Seriously. It wasn’t even as stretchy or breathey as I expected. It was like baby yoga. I have changed my mind about it slightly, since I woke up the next day with crazy soreness in unusual places, like the sides of my abs and my triceps. So obviously I got something out of it. But overall, I wasn’t impressed.

    So tonight’s experiment? A beginner’s step/aerobics class. Okay, those of you who know me in person are probably laughing at this point. Why? Because I’m the clumsiest person ever. I can be walking on a perfectly flat street with nothing nearby and fall flat on my face. So I want you all therefore to picture me, big ol’ clumsy me, huffing and puffing and flailing away on the babiest step they had. It was comical. Our instructor and the rest of the class would be bouncing around in syncronized step perfection and I’d be going the wrong way with the wrong leg at the wrong time. Regardless, I toughed it out for half an hour until we switched it up to aerobics. Then I really made an ass out of myself. I haven’t done “the grapevine” since high school, and it seriously showed. I actually bumped into the girl next to me, like, three times because my body persisted in “step-touching” left when everyone else was going right. The extra loud music and yelling of the instructor was just so confusing. It was nearly as bad as spinning. Within ten minutes I gave up and hauled my bewildered ass to an exercise bike. I don’t think I’ll be doing any more that.

  • Wisdom Springs is an interesting site where real people post about the city they live in – what they like about it, what they don’t, and what visitors should know. I’ve added an entry for Sydney. You should add one too, especially if you live somewhere interesting!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!