Friday Five:
My answers are going to suck this week, as I know jack squat about genealogy.
1. What is your lineage? Where are your ancestors from?
Well, one-quarter is Korean. That’s my maternal grandmother. The other three grandparents are all American. I really haven’t done any research, but I’m pretty sure that the “Howard” side of the family is British. (Sidenote: There’s a Castle Howard in England! I bet I’m in line for the throne.) The “Manns” and “Harter” sides probably lean towards German. When the Snook and I visited last year, my grandma showed us all these old scrapbooks she had and pointed out a picture of a Native American woman. Apparently that was, like, my great-great-grandmother or something. I had no idea. So throw in a little Cherokee too.
2. Of those countries, which would you most like to visit?
Definitely Korea. Ideally I’d like to take my mom and grandmother along on a big trip, if I could afford it. It’s so close to Australia (relatively speaking), though, I may end up taking a mini-trip with the Snook if we can swing it.
3. Which would you least like to visit? Why?
Well, it’s not really a country, but quite frankly, the “American Indian” bit is the least interesting to me. I’ve never really romanticized that culture and I don’t think this familial revelation is going to change that. I’m scared of horses. I’m not a big outdoorsy person. (I did see Pocahontas, like, five times though.) So that’s the part I’d probably least like to “revisit”.
4. Do you do anything during the year to celebrate or recognize your heritage?
Nope. We eat Korean food every now and then, but not on any specific occasion.
5. Who were the first ancestors to move to your present country (parents, grandparents, etc)?
Wait. My “present” country? That’s Australia, which would make it… ME. Yep, I’m my first ancestor to move here. (In terms of America, I have no clue. Man, I wish somebody in my family would research this stuff.)
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