• Gay GamesFabulous.
    “At a time when there is so much fear and danger, anger and destruction, this event represents an alternative vision for humanity.” Yes, the Gay Games have started in Sydney. I doubt I’ll go to watch any of the sporting competitions, but I’m really interested in some of the cultural events they’ve got scheduled. The highlight has to be Bea Arthur. When am I ever again gonna get the chance to see a Golden Girl? 🙂

  • Hey Dad! Check it out. This Beemer has an “easter egg” where – if you press the right combination of buttons – it’ll do an automatic burn out for you! How cool is that? (I’ve only ever done one unintentionally. <pride>It took me a while, but I can drive stick pretty well now.</pride>)

  • In other astounding news… I ate garlic prawns last night! Yes, actual seafood. And I’m still alive! It was pretty good too. 🙂

  • Five miles! Five frickin’ miles. I’m going to go have a heart attack now.

    Update: Not good. I’m feeling some significant pain a couple inches above my left heel when I walk. That’s Achilles tendon territory, right? Crap. Can any of you runner types advise me about this? Most of these sports medicine sites seem to suggest icing it. I’ll do that. At what point should I seek medical attention? I can still walk on it.

  • Did you know that the Johnny Cash song “A Boy Named Sue” was written by Shel Silverstein? I didn’t. Now I’m curious about his other adult stuff.

  • Can you believe I didn’t mention Halloween at all yesterday? Maybe that’s because it was a total non-event here. Seriously, I didn’t see a single person in costume. The Snook claims he saw some skanky chick in fairy wings down by the train station, but she probably dresses like that every day. (We get a lot of freaks in Newtown.) We celebrated by getting dressed up and going out for a nice Italian dinner around the corner at “Da Stefano’s”. You Days of Our Lives fans will appreciate my amusement. It was nice.

  • You’ve all heard the urban legend about the Singaporean zookeeper who has to masturbate all the animals every day, right? Well apparently such activities are not all that far-fetched. Taronga Zoo here in Sydney has a male gorilla who isn’t producing any offspring. Recently zoo management proposed knocking him out and having one of the keepers “manually stimulate” him. Unsurprisingly, they all refused (“It was too bloody dangerous,” a zookeeper said last night. “What if he woke up?”) and it’s turned into a big industrial issue. So instead the poor guy is going to be subjected to something called “electro-ejaculation”. Where’s Binatang bin Goncang when you need him?

  • Hmmm. Sixty-eight bucks (Australian) for a pair of panties? I wonder if I could pass for a Japanese schoolgirl.

  • There was an informative Ask Yahoo today about “legal blindness”. Apparently if your vision is worse than 20/200, you’re legally blind. Curious, I took off my glasses and held a piece of paper with approximately one centimeter high writing on it (as per the instructions) two feet from my face. As expected, it was an impenetrable blur. So go me! I’m blind.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!