• My friend Martin posted some pictures from me and Snookums’s former employer‘s Christmas party. It’s weird to see everybody and realize that things have gone on without us.

  • The Dumbest Thing Ever.
    Donald Rumsfeld was on the news tonight. He says, “Osama Bin Laden is definitely either in Afghanistan, another country, or dead.”

    Interestingly, Snookums and I both also fit those criteria. We’re eyeing each other quite suspiciously. I’ll let you know if it’s him.

  • I saw one!Well, we’re back in Sydney. The fires are still burning but we’re safe and sound in Newtown (and more than a little happy to see we weren’t burgled or anything). We hauled a full car-load of stuff back with us, including all of Snookums’s old crockery and glasses and pans. We finally have more than two plates! It’s a nice feeling.

    Ooh! I saw my first poisonous snake today! Midway through the drive back, we stopped off at the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens for a spot of lunch in their café. Snookums, his mother, and I were all walking up the path towards the visitor center completely oblivious when we all three suddenly noticed a three-foot-long red-bellied black snake scurrying away from us. I started stammering, “Is that…? Is it…?” And Snookums confirmed, “Yeah, they’re poisonous, but shy.” Just then two old ladies came running out of the center with brooms, thinking they’d try to keep it from coming inside. Instead it ducked into a nearby flowerbed and slithered off. Everyone was relieved.

  • The bushfires are still raging. We’re told that we shouldn’t have any trouble getting back to Sydney tomorrow, though. Rodd’s sister reports that there’s a lot of smoke hanging over the city, but supposedly it’s still far away from us.

  • Much weirdness on my American TV shows! First Buffy cuts her hair, and now Dawson and Jen are together and happy? (If that means Joey and Pacey hook up again, I’m gonna need somebody in the States with a VCR to capture the moment.)

  • Lord of the Rings kicked ass. But you knew I’d say that, right? Snookums and I have to go see it again as soon as we get to Sydney, since we missed the first three minutes of the movie. We were out buying popcorn and ice cream, and the thing started without any commercials or trailers or anything! I guess the theater was really trying to push through as many screenings as possible. Anyway, what I saw definitely exceeded my expectations. The fight scenes where terrific; they were everything that I wished Gladiator had been (i.e. brutal and swashbuckling and lasting more than ten seconds). I jumped several times, and there were more scary bits than I expected. (Hello? Who knew Cate Blanchett was that freaky?) Mostly, though, I just wished that I’d been part of the production. Like, say, in casting. Can you imagine?

    “Yes, I’d like to run an ad in the paper. ‘Calling all six-foot-tall, blonde, pale, impossibly beautiful and slightly gender ambiguous types to audition for a new film’…”

    That would’ve been awesome. 🙂

  • Boxing Day Betrayal
    The deviousness of the Snook family is not to be underestimated. Knowing that I have had a lifelong aversion to seafood, they contrived to make me eat this against my will today. I’m as shocked as you are.

    It all started when we sat down to a lovely, light post-Christmas lunch. We had some fruit and smoked chicken, and several boxes of crackers and dips. I asked my beloved Snookums what he was eating, and he replied, “Paté.” I’ve never really had paté before, so I asked him what kind it was. He replied, “Dill. Here, try some.” I wasn’t ecstatic about the concept of eating chicken livers, but I gave it a try. To be honest it didn’t have much taste, but I did notice an unsettling aftertaste that kept me from eating anymore. Later on, I noticed that my dear boy’s water glass had emptied. Graciously, I headed to the kitchen to refill it, and there I spotted a label on the counter which read: “YABBIE AND DILL PATÉ”. I gasped in shock.

    You’re probably thinking, “What’s the big deal?” Well, not only was it quite a shock having eaten seafood (considering that the last time I tried it I was throwing up for the next day), but I was stunned that my very own Snookums, who previously had been very understanding about my food phobia, had betrayed my confidence in such a way. Confronted with the evidence, both he and his mother claimed that they were only following my expressed wishes of “introducing it to me slowly.” I maintain that my original statement implied that I would be conscious of what I was eating.

    So now it’s up to you, folks. The charge: slipping something that you know your girlfriend doesn’t like into her food and tricking her into eating it, “for her own good.” Harmless prank or heartless betrayal? Please cast your votes in the poll to your left.

  • Robbie and Nicole got the UK Christmas number one! Good for them.

  • Next come the locusts

    Seriously, am I jinxed or what? Every time I visit Rodd’s parents, some plague of devastation hits New South Wales. Last time it was the floods, this time it’s the bush fires. If I risk it a third time everyone will probably come down with boils. Sheesh.

    Anyway, so yeah, it’s been hot here. Like, over 100 degrees the last few days. I’m coping surprisingly well, considering that I’ve never experienced this weather before. The wind yesterday was insane; it was coming out of the west (i.e. NOT from the coast) and it was so hot and dry you felt like you were standing inside a clothes dryer. We couldn’t even swim because these buggers were washing up on the shore. Of course, Dad told me today that it’s fifteen degrees with an expectation of four inches of snow at home, which makes the situation somewhat more bearable. 🙂

    Anyway, I hope everybody had a great holiday. Don’t worry about us; the fires are miles away. I’ll try and get a picture of the smoke on the way home. Ooh! And tomorrow it’s finally Lord of the Rings time! Kickass.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!