• Toni Morrison’s come out in support of that Gone With the Wind parody I mentioned before. Apparently so have Harper Lee and Pat Conroy. Is Harper Lee still alive? I didn’t know that. And wasn’t “To Kill a Mockingbird” her only novel? Wow.

  • I just finished reading all ten Pulitzer Prize-winning essays by David Moats of the Rutland Herald newspaper in Vermont. Mr. Moats wrote about the landmark Supreme Court ruling that led to the institution of civil unions for gay couples. It was the first Pulitzer for a Vermont paper in history. I highly recommend them.

  • If you downloaded my Simple Poll System to try out at your own site, you should know that I just fixed a bug that cropped up when you tried to view the results before anyone had voted. Re-download the source files and just replace “pollresults.php” if you need to.

  • New Poll: In honor of my lunch today, a new poll has been started. Please take two seconds to give me your views on the gift from the gods that is hummus.
    Results from the old poll: Well, apparently you guys didn’t notice much of a change in the site. By “new design”, I was referring to the now full-screen page width and the row of colored boxes down the left side of the page. As Snookums pointed out though, these aren’t big changes and only design-obsessed geeks like me would even notice. I was basically doing the cyber-equivalent of “Do you notice anything differently about me?”, and you guys were giving me the stammering boyfriend “Uh, no?” act. Point taken.

  • Download Prince Harry Desktop Wallpaper! My friend Liz always did prefer Harry to Wills, because she liked the fact that he looked awkward and not quite so smart, which she thought would make him a little bit more fun. I’m not sure about that, but he does look better now that he’s hit puberty. (Link courtesy of NIMISIS, which has been promoted to my weblogs list.)

  • Sorry about the lack of updates. The blog will remain on hiatus until there’s something interesting to report…

  • As my younger brother is about to graduate from high school, I also found the Onion’s tips for choosing a college especially funny. (I’m going to start calling people “Fauntleroy” as an insult now.)

  • Heh. The Onion‘s current infographic is on the “Hoof and Mouth Panic.” It lists steps that are being taken to prevent the disease in America. My favorite was the last: “Boiling all British beef until gray and flavorless, the way the British do.”
    As an aside, are the American press really calling it “hoof and mouth disease”? Because that sounds weird. We call it “foot and mouth disease” over here, and we should know, since it’s bloody everywhere.

  • Stephen Hawking’s getting a software upgrade so he can speak with an English accent. Which is cool and all, but I had to laugh when the article referred to his “Dalek” voice.
    Exterminate! Exterminate!

  • I knew it would happen. The producers are apparently mulling over a Bridget Jones sequel. I can see A LOT of problems with this. A) The actual book’s sequel wasn’t very good, if you ask me. I liked reading more about Bridget, but the plot itself (which was apparently based on Austen’s “Persuasion,” I think) was a bit ridiculous and not at all funny. B) There wouldn’t be a role for Hugh Grant. Daniel isn’t in the book at all, and for them to write him in would require a major rewrite of the entire story. And besides, they already expanded his damn part for the first one. C) It’s not very romantic. It kills the “happily ever after” you get at the end of the first book/movie. It would be wrong. I’m sorry, Helen Fielding, but I think you should leave well enough alone.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!