I found this BBC article on women’s body perceptions really depressing (and depressingly familiar)… until I got to the last bit. A doctor said, “Women think their bodies are infinitely malleable. Most women can’t change their shape and it’s unusual to be that thin.” That perked me right up. Why aren’t we hearing this more? This is the type of reality check women need. Of course we’re depressed when Slim-Fast and Subway are showing us pictures of people who’ve completely changed shape. Sure, they include small type saying that the results aren’t normal, but they wouldn’t be showing it to you if the message wasn’t “You can do this too!” Women need to hear that sometimes you can’t. You can be healthy, but you can’t make yourself into something you’re not.
I wouldn’t want to look like Jennifer Aniston anyway. She’s too bony. Her arms look like my grandma’s.
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