• Dreamlog

    So I had at least three different dreams last night, but unfortunately I can only remember two. In the first I was at Cedar Point with my sister and brother and Snookums, but before we got to ride anything I got in a big nasty fight with my sis. It was over near the Pirate Ride (which the bastards took out a couple years ago), and she was sitting at a picnic table and we were just screaming at each other. And I remember suddenly looking up and seeing horrible gray crowds just rolling in and filling the sky. And I’m like, “AMY! If you don’t shut the hell up, we’re gonna get stuck out in the storm!” There was a huge crack of thunder, and then I woke up.

    In the second dream, I was in a house full of people and had to fight my way out from the basement. Helping me were Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu. (Which must mean that I was Cameron Diaz, but I have no idea why, since I haven’t even seen the damn movie.) I had this short sword which kind of split apart, so really I had two short ninja swords that I was twirling and fighting with. We eventually made our way up the stairs to the front door, but when I threw it open there stood Mrs. Diane Heitger, my ex-boyfriend’s mother. So I quickly put my sword away and said hello, hoping to move her away from our exit path. But before I could get out, I woke up.

  • Disturbing search requests

    I was just checking my referrer logs to see how many people have been sucked in by my flagrant karma whoring on Plastic, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but an honest-to-goodness disturbing search request! Somebody apparently found my site after searching on “asian escorts at web”. Huh. Now that I’m listed on Google I seem to be reachin’ a whole new audience…

  • Amazon

    Remember that guy, the one who broke into Amazon‘s headquarters? He’s got his own website where you can apparently watch a webcast of his entire sold-out play, “21 Dog Years: Doing Time @ Amazon.com.” I might try to watch it tonight after work…

  • Red-faced

    Ernie at little. yellow. different. links to an interesting article that explains why many Asians turn red when they drink. Huh. I’m technically a quarter Korean, yet I’ve never had any problem with al-kee-hol. Can’t even think of anybody in my family who does, for that matter. Of course, I’ve never gotten my Grandma blitzed.

  • Book-A-Minute

    Don’t have time to read whole books? Try Book-A-Minute! Actually, their reviews are pretty damn hilarious, especially the sci-fi and fantasy. My favorite, though, has to be If I Ran the Circus by Dr. Seuss:

    Morris McGurk: “If I ran the circus, I would make Mr. Sneelock do lots of dangerous things, because I have repressed Freudian feelings of hatred for him as a father figure, because he made me clean up the yard.”

  • Vagina Monologues

    More vagina: a Morrissey guys writes a really excellent letter about SMC’s stance on the play.

  • Molly Maguire’s

    More hard-hitting journalism from the Observer: bar owners worry that getting busted might cause them business. No duh. The most disturbing part of this article is the quote from the owner of the establishment formerly known as “Bridget Maguire’s Filling Station”:

    “I went in there with a bottle of disinfectant and a putty knife. It took nine months, and voila, Molly’s came. It was like giving birth.”


  • Vagina Monologues

    It seems a group of ND and SMC women staged an un-official reading of “The Vagina Monologues” at Regina Hall. Publicity was strictly word-of-mouth, yet over 150 people came! I have hope for our campus yet.

  • Plastic.com

    Poodoo! I was in the lead on Plastic’s Karma Whoring Contest and then somebody had to point out that you’re supposed to be logging on from the United States to be eligible. How much does that suck?! I give up. My karma whoring days are over. I hate you, Plastic.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!