Yay! Lizzie has taken it upon herself to leave blog comments. In celebration I hereby proclaim that this weblog is now All About Me and Lizzie. Everyone else should consider themself excluded until they can be bothered to contribute. So there! 🙂
Did I mention that this weblog is now All About Me? Good. Here, look at my pictures from EuroDisney. Perhaps you’ll be more inclined to leave comments about them than my witty and incisive Notre Dame commentary.
The site I’ve been working on for the past six months has finally launched. It’s at gift-track.com. Feel free to visit and then shower me with accolades.
DAMN IT! Why isn’t anybody responding to the posts anymore! The little “discuss” links are back. Didn’t you notice? Where are the Sex Camels? Where is the love?
Fine, if nobody wants to participate, I’ll just make the site even more All About Me. Are you happy now??
I just came across an interesting article at Feed about London and the descreasing evidence of its Victorian past. Pretty interesting if you’ve ever been here. No one would ever recognize Waterloo as a Victorian era station anymore… The tube stop is clean, silver, and futuristic, and the interior looks like nothing so much as an airport. I admired it when the new look was unveiled, but I’m starting to see the sadness inherent in “cleaning” up history’s traces.
I completely forgot it was Groundhog Day! Apparently we’re going to have six more weeks of winter. Judging by the weather we’ve been having in London, though, I didn’t need any dang groundhog to tell me that.
I almost forgot to mention that gift-track.com, the site I’ve been working on for the past six months, is finally live! I’m the only HTMLer, so everything you see is my work. (Unless it’s broken, in which case it’s probably the fault of some damn Java developer.)
My EuroDisney pictures are finally up! Re-live all the adventure through my witty commentary and photos. Come on, you know you’re curious about those French-types… 🙂
BlogVoices appears to be having a major meltdown, which could be why my site:
A) took 15 minutes for you to download
B) came up with about 150 javascript errors
C) is currently pissing me off
I am apparently 35% Slut, which is less than the national average. Huh. You learn somethin’ new every day.
Thank you!!