Oh God. It’s 9:30 Monday morning on my first full weekday of being unemployed… and I’m already bored out of my mind. At least MBTV‘s got new Buffy and Dawson’s Creek recaps.
Pisces buddies!!
Oh God. It’s 9:30 Monday morning on my first full weekday of being unemployed… and I’m already bored out of my mind. At least MBTV‘s got new Buffy and Dawson’s Creek recaps.
A few more quick links about the football player story:
So overall I’m really happy with the way my school handled this. They dragged their feet a bit, but eventually common sense prevailed.
I’m up early (like, 8:00 a.m.). It was damn hot in London last night. Some kind of freak October heat wave. And did I mention the bug bites? Somewhere between Dublin and London Snookums and I were apparently attacked by a swarm of giant mutated mosquitoes or something. We’ve both got itchy red bites on our hands and shoulders. (Don’t worry; I’ve checked those symptoms.) They’re slowly going away, but they itch like mad. So in order to take my mind off my burning skin, I’m going to play housewife and run up to the Sainsbury’s Local for some brekkie. All while the precious Snookums continues to snore. It’s the least I can do… He’s gotta go to work in the morning. 🙂
My Dad called me out yesterday for “slacking off on my blogging”. Seriously. So anyway, I’m happy to report that Notre Dame won yesterday. And West Virginia apparently played without the rape guy. Which is good, but I feel bad for them that they lost. Like, maybe they’ll feel like they would’ve won if he’d been there. That sucks for them. I hope they realize that it’s all Cooper Rego’s fault, not Notre Dame’s.
Hey, Martin! I just visited your site from home and got this lovely message: “Hi. I see you are using Netscape Navigator 4.x. It’s a bit pants. How about upgrading to something that works?” Which is a lovely sentiment and all… except I’m not using Netscape. There are more than two flavors in the world, kids. Hooray for choice!
Well, that’s it folks. Letter in hand, I’m about to walk about the door as yet another unemployed web developer. Except, of course, I asked for it. 🙂
For those wondering, the plan right now is for Snookums to continue working while I make the arrangements for the trip Down Under. We’ve got to look for jobs, pack stuff up to be shipped, secure work permits, close off accounts here, etc. etc. Lots to do. Within a month or two we hope to be off. I’ll continue to update web-goddess at home, but the volume of posting will probably decrease a bit (as I won’t be parked on my ass in front of the computer for nine hours a day). I’m looking forward to a bit of a rest, though. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Job tips from The Onion. Just what I need. I especially like this one: “Post your résumé online. This will give it an air of authority and legitimacy that only the Internet can confer.” D’oh!
I’ve re-added my CV (that’s “résumé” to you Yanks) since I’m, you know, lookin’ for a job and all.
Oh no! The lady who played the “Oracle” in The Matrix has died. I wonder how that will affect the sequels?
Robbie does Sinatra. Is it wrong to get so excited about this? I think the album will be fantastic.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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