New Poll: It seems like every female weblogger asks this at some point, but what the hell. What color should I dye my hair? You can see the whole spectrum in the image at the top of the site. It’s currently red, but faded. I’m not sure whether I should change it. On one hand, bright red hair might make it a little more difficult to get a job (once I finally start looking). But on the other, I live in the punky part of town, and how much longer will I be able to get away with this in my life? Maybe I should keep it a little longer. So look through those pics and tell me what you think.
On a related note, I’ve got a new experience scheduled for today: I’m having my eyebrows waxed. No, I don’t have a unibrow or anything. But I’m tired of tweezing them to keep them pretty, so I’m gonna pay some woman to shape them for me. Full report to follow…
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