“Remember the wounded.” This is an excellent essay about the effects combat has on humans. Did you all pause for reflection at 11:00 yesterday? Living abroad, I’ve been surprised at the public support for Remembrance Day. Sure, we celebrate Veterans Day in America, but most folks just look at it as a day off. You might go to a cemetery if your grandpa was a soldier or something, but it’s not a big deal. In the UK and Australia it’s very different. Various veterans groups sell poppies on every street corner. People actually make a point of stopping what they’re doing at 11:00 to reflect. We don’t get the day off but in a way that’s good; it keeps the meaning from getting watered down. (We get ANZAC Day off in January and I’ve come to associate that day more with barbecues than memorializing the diggers.) It was just surprising to me how much more seriously the rest of the world takes the holiday, one that in the US didn’t mean a heck of a lot to me.
Pisces buddies!!
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