SO TIRED. But the house is done. Thursday morning the Snook and I were woken up at 8:00 a.m. by the washing machine delivery man. After that was successfully installed, we had a quick breakfast and then Snookums headed off to IKEA. He had a shopping list of all the pieces we needed to create our custom entertainment center, office space (with desks), dining room set, dresser, closet shelves, and bookcases. While he dealt with that nightmare, I stayed here to meet various deliverymen with our couch, TV, refrigerator, microwave, vacuum, and crock pot. I had a slight mishap with the couch legs (I didn’t realize that there were two long and two short, so my sofa was lopsided at first), but eventually I got it up and the slipcover on. The Snook made it home and the two guys that drove the rental truck carried everything upstairs. Then began the great assembly frenzy. We managed to get the bedroom stuff done and finally unpack, and then we started on the entertainment center. That’s all we had time for before the Snook’s friends arrived for our housewarming party. Much alcohol followed. Fast forward fifteen hours…
More assembly on Friday. We get everything together except one last bookcase. Our carpet has disappeared beneath a mountain of bubble wrap and cardboard boxes. But it’s done! And it looks cool. I’ve got “Before” and “After” pictures to put up soon.
Sorry to bore you with all the details, but some people (*cough* Amy! *cough) have been wondering why I haven’t been e-mailing every three hours. I can barely type right now as it is, my shoulders and hands are so sore. (I never want to see an Allen wrench again in my life.) IKEA is the devil kids. There were times Friday I would’ve given my right arm for a power drill…
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