Why am I up at the crack of dawn? Oh yeah, to see the first public preview of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone! Now I just need Snookums to draw a lightning bolt on my forehead…
Pisces buddies!!
Why am I up at the crack of dawn? Oh yeah, to see the first public preview of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone! Now I just need Snookums to draw a lightning bolt on my forehead…
Well, it’s the Snook’s last day at work. Hooray! For those of you in London, we’ll be having leaving drinks tonight in Hammersmith at Smollensky’s. See you there!
I was doing a little Internet research to discover why Lady Victoria Hervey’s Style column was replaced in last week’s Sunday Times when I came across this excellent article full of tips to fake being a posh British aristocrat. I’ll see you all at the next non-branded polo match, okay?
Cholesterol makes you smarter. That is literally the greatest news EVER. Suddenly I’m craving a cheeseburger.
So Prince Charles got slapped in the face with a flower today, right? What kind of a crappy protest was that? You wanna make an impression, you gotta throw a pie. The hilarious part of Chuck’s tale is that apparently the President of Latvia called him up later to apologize for the girl’s actions and to say that she was obviously “mentally unstable”. (They actually said that on the News tonight.) That cracked me up.
Finally, somebody else noticed the Taliban/Taleban issue that I mentioned back in September. The BBC expert explains why there are different spellings, but he doesn’t really clear up the issue of why Americans use “i” and Brits use “e”. I am unsatisfied.
Hey, a guy at my university got second place on College Jeopardy. Cool. Unfortunately, in case you’re wondering, my appearance on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? didn’t really pan out. They haven’t called. Damn you, Chris Tarrant! I was all set to kick Ladies Week ass.
Damn it! Why do I only discover bands after they break up? Lately I’ve had a major Catatonia fixation, specifically their song “Road Rage”. For you Yanks, they’re an awesome Welsh band that apprently broke up in September. Crap. Check out this description of the lead singer Cerys: “A lady singer whose voice sounds exactly like Shirley Bassey puking five pints of Jack Daniel’s (with snakebite chasers) into the Grand Canyon through a megaphone during an earthquake.” Isn’t that fantastic? I’ve been bellowing out “Road Rage” all afternoon, but unfortunately I sound nothing like her. I pretend though.
I packed a box today! And I did some other travel related chores! And the dishes! That means I’ve been a very good girl, and that means I can blog. 🙂
Yeah, it’s been hard. I hate looking at my site and seeing only one tiny post per day. I know I’m addicted but it’s difficult to stop. I took that Blogaholic Quiz and I got 68 out of 100. That’s a lot. Some of them were pretty embarrassing admissions too. Like the question about starting flame wars? Been there, done that. And the one about dreaming about blogging? Try dreaming about bloggers. I swear to God I dreamt last night that I was at a party at Max’s house. Isn’t that weird? I think my subconscious was dwelling on today’s Survivor picks and anticipating my ultimate victory celebration. Yeah, I have issues. Anyhoo, it’s nice to have some guilt-free blog time before me.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
Pisces buddies!!
TIL we share the birthday month/week. Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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